Sessions |
Introduction |
Session I |
Session II |
Session III |
Session IV |
Posters |
Introduction |
Frank N. Bash Symposium 2011: New Horizons in Astronomy
Session I |
Asteroseismology of Stars on the Upper Main Sequence
Laboratory Astrochemistry: A Powerful Tool to Understand the Origin of Organic Molecules in the Interstellar Medium, Comets, and Meteorites
Session II |
Late-type Compact Objects
Beyond Strömgren Spheres and Wind-Blown Bubbles: An Observational Perspective on H II Region Feedback
Black Hole Mergers
Session III |
Environmentally-Driven Galaxy Evolution
The Reddest Quasars: A Transitional Phase in Quasar/Galaxy Co-Evolution
Black Hole Galaxy Coevolution
Spectroscopy and the Age of Giant Telescopes
Session IV |
Recent Advances in Cosmological Hydrogen Reionization
First Light
Dark Matter
Posters |
Photometry of the Stellar Tidal Stream in the Halo of Messier 63
The Effects of Primordial Non-Gaussianity on Giant-Arc Statistics: A Scale Dependent Example
The VIRUS-P Investigation of the eXtreme Environments of Starbursts (VIXENS): Survey and First Results
The Hunt for the First Supernovae: The Source Density and Observability of Pair-Instability Supernovae from the First Stars
Integral Field Spectroscopy of the Center of the Draco Dwarf Spheroidal
The First Galaxies: Assembly with Black Hole Feedback
Evidence of Episodic Accretion in Spitzer IRS Spectra of Low-Luminosity Embedded Protostars
Revisiting the Post-reionization Kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect on the Cosmic Microwave Background Fluctuations
Primordial Star Formation in the First Galaxies