Monday 19 morning |
Introduction to nuclear Astrophysics
Introduction to Stellar Evolution
Monday 19 afternoon |
The p-process in Supernovae of Type Ia from s-seeds
Introduction to the r-process
Proton capture reaction cross sections for the p process
Cross-section measurements of alpha capture reactions relevant to p-process nucleosynthesis
Improved technique for quasar composite spectra generation
Tuesday 20 morning |
General Theory on Novae
Detectors for experimental nuclear astrophysics
Tuesday 20 aftrenoon |
12C+12C reaction and astrophysical implications
TOF experiments to support nuclear astrophysics
Neutron capture cross section of the s process branch point nucleus 63Ni at n_TOF/CERN
Space charge effect in the Multi-ionization chamber response signal
A CVD diamond detector for (n,alpha) cross section measurements
Wednesday 21 morning |
Big Bang Models
Primordial Nucleosyntheis: theory vs observations
Wednesday 21 afternoon |
Heavy Element Synthesis and Cosmology
Core-collapse Supernovae
Cosmic History of Core-Collapse Supernovae and Supernova Relic Neutrinos
Electron screening in Al and Ni metals
New Experimental Results for the Enhanced Electron Screening in the Deuteron Fusion Reactions under UHV Conditions
Investigation of laser generated plasmas for astrophysical applications
Thursday, 22 morning |
Theory of the Coulomb Dissociation
Experimental studies for nuclear astrophysics
Triple configuration coexistence in 44S
Alpha-clustering in 18O
Molecular structures in isobaric analog states of 10B
A new technique for studies of highly proton rich nuclei in the region of the astrophysical rp-process
Thursday, 22 afternoon |
Nuclear forces and shell evolution towards drip line
The ANC method in nuclear astrophysics
Weak interaction in nuclear astrophysics
Friday, 23 morning |
Decay spectroscopic for nuclear astrophysics
Transfer reactions as a tool for nuclear astrophysics
Recent results from CD experiments
Nuclear Clusters in Astrophysics
Friday, 23 afternoon |
The Trojan Horse Method: a how-to approach
The Beta Delayed Proton and Gamma Decay of 27P For Nuclear Astrophysics
A new detection system for very low-energy protons from b-delayed proton decay
Study of the 17O(n,a)14C reaction: extension of the Trojan Horse Method to neutron induced reactions
The LHCf experiment
Saturday, 24 morning |
Introduction to the s-process
Astronomy with cosmic nuclei
Recent results on novae nucleosynthesis
Saturday, 24 afternoon |
Recent results on the 11B(p,a)8Be reaction studied through the THM: S(E)-factor and electron screening measurements
Modified r-matrix analysis of the 19F(p,a)16O HOES reaction
Underground Measurement of the 17O(p,g)18F Reaction
Resonances in ^{19}Ne with relevance to the astrophysically important ^{18}F(p,\alpha )^{15}O reaction
\gamma -spectroscopic study of key resonances in ^{31}S for the ^{3}0P(p,\gamma )^{31}S reaction in ONe novae
Study of the Thermal Pulsation of AGB Stars
Influence of projectile breakup on fusion with 159Tb target; Measurement of CF and ICF cross sections
Alpha-particle Resonances and Alpha-clusters in Medium Light Nuclei
Monday, 26 morning |
Core collapse Supernovae
Underground laboratories
Nuclear astrophysics at LUNA: recent results
Nuclear astrophysics with recoil mass separators: ERNA and the case of 12C(alpha, gamma)16O
Nuclear physics aspects of p-process nucleosynthesis: an experimentalist's (over)view
Monday, 26 afternoon |
Measurements of the 8Li(a,n)11B reaction and astrophysical implications
Trojan Horse Method and its role in the electron screening effect investigation