Further information, including the full program, can be found on the conference webpage: http://cta.obspm.fr/agnworkshop2011/
The SOC included: M. Begelman, C. Boisson (co-Chair), G. Ghisellini, H. Krawczynski, M. punch, H. Sol (co-Chair), T. Totani, M. Urry, R. Wagner, M. Ward, A. Zech (co-Chair)
Editorial Board of these Proceedings: Andreas Zech (Chair), Catherine Boisson and Hélène Sol.
Introduction |
Introduction to the CTA Project
Session 1 : AGN physics |
Extreme Acceleration Processes
Blazar Physics with CTA
CTA Constraints on AGN models
Formation of Hard VHE Spectra of Blazars in Leptonic Models
Gamma-rays and Neutrinos from Hadronic Interactions in AGN Emission Models
The Relation Between Microquasar and AGN Physics
Predictions of Inhomogeneous Jet Models for CTA
Session 2 : Observational aspects and expected CTA performances |
AGN Jets from sub-pc to kpc Scales - Current Issues and Science Drivers for CTA Observations
Parsec Scale Jets of Gamma-Ray AGN
Structure and Polarization of the Inner Jets
Status of TeV AGN Studies
AGN Seen by Fermi
The Universe above 10 GeV as Seen by Fermi
Fermi Observations of Blazars: Implications for Gamma-ray Production
How do we Tackle Non-thermal AGN when CTA is Up and Running?
The Origin of High Energy Variability in Blazars
CTA Monitoring of PKS 2155-304 Flares
The AGN - Cosmic Ray Connection icroquasar and AGN Physics
Session 3 : AGN population studies and expected CTA performances |
Rapporteur talk from the recent workshop on Beamed and Unbeamed Gamma-Rays from Galaxies
A New Look at Radio Loud AGN Unification
A New Ordering Parameter for Blazar SEDs
MWL Studies of AGN Populations
AGN Forecasting
AGN Population Studies for CTA
The Influence of Jet Geometry on the Statistics of Beamed Objects and its Implication for VHE Surveys
BL Lac Population Study: Early Results using Fermi's 11 Months Catalog and the Perspectives with CTA
A Tour of VHE Emitting AGN: Prospects with CTA
High Energy Emission from Narrow Line Seyfert 1s
Session 4 : Formation & Evolution of AGN, AGN environment |
Unification and Evolution of AGN
3D MHD Simulations of the Central Region of the Perseus Galaxy Cluster: the Role of Starburst and AGN Activity and Particle Acceleration by Magnetic Reconnection
Constraining Intergalactic Magnetic Fields
EBL and Cosmology Studies in the CTA Era
Concluding Remarks |
Concluding Remarks and CTA Perspective