Sessions |
Monday Afternoon |
Monday Morning |
Tuesday Morning |
Tuesday Afternoon |
Wednesday Morning |
Wednesday Afternoon |
Thursday Morning |
Thursday Afternoon |
Friday Morning |
Friday Afternoon |
Monday Afternoon |
Peter Principle
A prototype for the on-line monitoring system for nuclear waste storage
The ATLAS High Level Trigger Steering Framework and the Trigger Configuration System
Treatment Planning System (TPS) for Carbon Ion Therapy: The INFN TPS project
Non-equilibrium fluctuations at the QCD phase transition
Application of straw detector for particle identification - feasibility studies with PANDA STT prototype
Experimental results of the dE/dx resolution measurement in PANDA-type Straw Tube Tracker
Spin Physics @ FAIR
Study of the 10B(p,)7Be reaction via the Trojan Horse Method: first experimental result at Gamow energy
Study of Open Charm Production Psi(3770)\rightarrow D+D- at the PANDA Experiment
Classification of $\Upsilon$(5S) Decays with Self-Organizing Neural Networks
Search for new bottomonium(-like) states in $e^+e^- \rightarrow B^{(*)} \bar{B}^{(*)} (\pi)(\pi)$ at BELLE
Strange-baryon spectroscopy with HADES
Neutrons from multifragmentation reactions
The use of double sided silicon strip detector at the focal plane of VASSILISSA separator
A GEM-TPC Detector for FOPI and PANDA
Monday Morning |
Current topics in nuclear structure
Recent results from ALICE
Evolution of γ-Vibrations at High Spin
Infinite symmetric nuclear matter phase diagram from low energy compound nucleus data.
Tuesday Morning |
Recent Results from RHIC
Current Topics in Nuclear Astrophysics
Tuesday Afternoon |
QED in three dimensions and at finite temperature
Open Charm Reconstruction at mid-rapidity in ALICe Experiment at LHC
Dilepton production at SPS and RHIC energies
Heavy Flavour Physics with the ALICE Muon Spectrometer at the LHC
Charmed decay reconstruction using a microvertexing technique with the STAR Silicon Detectors
Heavy quarks and charmonium at RHIC and LHC within a partonic transport model
Wednesday Morning |
Hagedorn States and Thermalization
Lattice QCD
Recent CMS Results
Fundamental physics with ultracold neutrons
Wednesday Afternoon |
Heavy Ions at the LHC: First results vs. selected predictions
Properties of Silicon PhotoMultipliers measured at LNS-INFN.
Flubber experiment: analysing the Coulomb breakup of 17F
The Trojan Horse Method as a tool to investigate low-energy resonances: the 18O(p,a)15N and 17O(p,a)14N cases
Investigation of Mach Cones in viscous matter
Description of fully differential Drell-Yan pair production
Thursday Morning |
Current topics in Charmonium physics
Recent Results from BES3
Recent Results fom LHCB
Recent results from Compass
The PANDA experiment at FAIR
Thursday Afternoon |
Studies of meson production and decays in pd\rightarrow 3HeX with WASA-at-COSY
Leading Modes of 3pi0 production in proton-proton collisions at incident proton momentum of 3.35GeV/c
Hypernuclear Spectroscopy with Electron Beams
Statistical decay of hyperfragments
Inclusive e+e- pair production in cold nuclear matter
In-Medium Properties of Vector Mesons in a Transport Approach
Friday Morning |
Probing properties of nuclear matter with HADES.
ATLAS status and latest results
New developments in detectors
Kaon pair production in pp, pd, dd and pA collisions at COSY
First K-He3 and precision K-He4 measurement at DAFNE
Friday Afternoon |
Ternary and quaternary reseparation of heavy colliding systems.
Exclusive omega and eta meson production in p+p reactions at E_kin=3.5 GeV with HADES
Heteroepitaxial Single-Crystal CVD-Diamond Detectors for FAIR
The chiral crossover, static-light and light-light meson spectra, and the deconfinement crossover
Low-energy antikaon nucleon interaction physics revisited