Bormio 2011 - (other bormio conferences)
24-28 January 2011
published October 07, 2011
Unlike many workshops, the Bormio meeting does not focus on a single topic. Instead, the aim is to bring together researchers and students from related fields in subatomic physics. Addressed topics include hadron physics, heavy ion physics, nuclear astrophysics and nuclear structure, particle physics, detectors and future projects as well as applications of these fields. Review talks by more senior speakers as well as talks and posters presented by junior researchers are encouraged. Hadron Physics Heavy Ion Physics Nuclear Astrophysics and Nuclear Structure Particle Physics Detectors and new facilities Applications
Monday Afternoon
Monday Morning
Tuesday Morning
Tuesday Afternoon
Wednesday Morning
Wednesday Afternoon
Thursday Morning
Thursday Afternoon
Friday Morning
Friday Afternoon
Monday Afternoon
Peter Principle
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A. Rapisarda
A prototype for the on-line monitoring system for nuclear waste storage
A. Pappalardo
The ATLAS High Level Trigger Steering Framework and the Trigger Configuration System
Treatment Planning System (TPS) for Carbon Ion Therapy: The INFN TPS project
E. Schmitt
Non-equilibrium fluctuations at the QCD phase transition
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M. Nahrgang
Application of straw detector for particle identification - feasibility studies with PANDA STT prototype
P. Kulessa
Experimental results of the dE/dx resolution measurement in PANDA-type Straw Tube Tracker
Spin Physics @ FAIR
M. De Stefanis
Study of the 10B(p,)7Be reaction via the Trojan Horse Method: first experimental result at Gamow energy
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S. Romano
Study of Open Charm Production Psi(3770)\rightarrow D+D- at the PANDA Experiment
Classification of $\Upsilon$(5S) Decays with Self-Organizing Neural Networks
M. Ullrich
Search for new bottomonium(-like) states in $e^+e^- \rightarrow B^{(*)} \bar{B}^{(*)} (\pi)(\pi)$ at BELLE
M. Werner, W. Kuehn, J.S. Lange and M. Ullrich
Strange-baryon spectroscopy with HADES
K. Lapidus
Neutrons from multifragmentation reactions
W. Trautmann, A.S. Botvina, J. Brzychczyk, N. Buyukcizmeci, I. Mishustin and P. Pawłowski
The use of double sided silicon strip detector at the focal plane of VASSILISSA separator
A GEM-TPC Detector for FOPI and PANDA
Monday Morning
Current topics in nuclear structure
Recent results from ALICE
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E. Vercellin
Evolution of γ-Vibrations at High Spin
J.F. Sharpey-Schafer
Infinite symmetric nuclear matter phase diagram from low energy compound nucleus data.
L. Moretto
Tuesday Morning
Recent Results from RHIC
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T. Ullrich
Current Topics in Nuclear Astrophysics
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R. Tribble
Tuesday Afternoon
QED in three dimensions and at finite temperature
E. Swanson and P.M. Lo
Open Charm Reconstruction at mid-rapidity in ALICe Experiment at LHC
Dilepton production at SPS and RHIC energies
O. Linnyk, E. Bratkovskaya and W. Cassing
Heavy Flavour Physics with the ALICE Muon Spectrometer at the LHC
Charmed decay reconstruction using a microvertexing technique with the STAR Silicon Detectors
J. Bouchet
Heavy quarks and charmonium at RHIC and LHC within a partonic transport model
J. Uphoff, K. Zhou, O. Fochler, Z. Xu and C. Greiner
Wednesday Morning
Hagedorn States and Thermalization
C. Greiner, J. Noronha-Hostler and J. Noronha
Lattice QCD
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H. Wittig
Recent CMS Results
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N. Pastrone
Fundamental physics with ultracold neutrons
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P. Fierlinger
Wednesday Afternoon
Heavy Ions at the LHC: First results vs. selected predictions
G. Wolschin
Properties of Silicon PhotoMultipliers measured at LNS-INFN.
L. Cosentino, P. Finocchiaro and A. Pappalardo
Flubber experiment: analysing the Coulomb breakup of 17F
P. Capel and C. Sfienti
The Trojan Horse Method as a tool to investigate low-energy resonances: the 18O(p,a)15N and 17O(p,a)14N cases
M. La Cognata
Investigation of Mach Cones in viscous matter
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I. Bouras
Description of fully differential Drell-Yan pair production
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F. Eichstädt
Thursday Morning
Current topics in Charmonium physics
N. Brambilla
Recent Results from BES3
Recent Results fom LHCB
Recent results from Compass
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S. Neubert
The PANDA experiment at FAIR
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T. Stockmanns
Thursday Afternoon
Studies of meson production and decays in pd\rightarrow 3HeX with WASA-at-COSY
Leading Modes of 3pi0 production in proton-proton collisions at incident proton momentum of 3.35GeV/c
Hypernuclear Spectroscopy with Electron Beams
P. Achenbach
Statistical decay of hyperfragments
A. Sanchez Lorente
Inclusive e+e- pair production in cold nuclear matter
In-Medium Properties of Vector Mesons in a Transport Approach
J. Weil, K. Gallmeister and U. Mosel
Friday Morning
Probing properties of nuclear matter with HADES.
J. Pietraszko
ATLAS status and latest results
New developments in detectors
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B. Ketzer
Kaon pair production in pp, pd, dd and pA collisions at COSY
M. Hartmann
First K-He3 and precision K-He4 measurement at DAFNE
Friday Afternoon
Ternary and quaternary reseparation of heavy colliding systems.
K. Siwek-Wilczynska
Exclusive omega and eta meson production in p+p reactions at E_kin=3.5 GeV with HADES
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K. Teilab
Heteroepitaxial Single-Crystal CVD-Diamond Detectors for FAIR
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E. Berdermann
The chiral crossover, static-light and light-light meson spectra, and the deconfinement crossover
P. Bicudo, N. Cardoso and M. Cardoso
Low-energy antikaon nucleon interaction physics revisited