Plenary Session Monday morning |
Overview of the ALICE results
ATLAS Overview
Parallel Session Detector I |
The ALICE Electromagnetic Calorimeter EMCAL: its Status and its Physics Capabilities
Performance of the ATLAS Calorimeters
Setting of the ATLAS Jet Energy Scale
Plenary Session Sunday |
Experimental particle physics in the LHC era and possible implications for development in Africa
Parallel Session Standard Model I |
Production of W, Z in ATLAS
Top Quark Studies in ATLAS
Hard QCD Measurements in ATLAS
Soft QCD Measurements in ATLAS
Parellel Session QCD I |
Quarkonium and Heavy Flavour Physics with ALICE at the LHC
Particle Production Studies at LHCb
Inclusive production of jets and dijets at LHCb
Plenary Session Tuesday morning |
LHCb Status, First Physics and Discovery Potential
SUSY Predictions for the LHC
Parallel Session Detector II |
Operation, Calibration and Performance of the CMS Silicon Tracker
Operation and Performance of the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter
Operation and Performance of the LHCb Experiment
Performance of Track and Vertex Reconstruction and B-tagging Studies with CMS in pp Collisions at \sqrt s = 7TeV
Parallel Session Exotics and BSM Physics I |
Searches for new physics with jets at ATLAS
CMS searches for new physics
Searches for new physics with leptons in ATLAS
Parallel Session B-physics I |
Heavy Flavour Production in ATLAS
Study of hadronic b-decays at LHCb
Prompt Jpsi and b\rightarrow Jpsi X production in pp collisions
Prospects of CPV in Bs\rightarrow JpsiPhi with first LHCb data
Plenary Session Wednesday morning |
Challenging the Standard Model at the Tevatron Collider
Antimatter Production in p-p and Heavy Ion Collisions at Ultrarelativistic Energies
Parellel Session Theory I |
Scaling of Yukawa Couplings and Quark Flavor Mixings in the UED Model
Parallel Session Standard Model II |
CMS Results in Electroweak Physics
W and Z production in the forward region at LHCb
Parallel Session B-physics II |
B\rightarrow X_s/d gamma and B\rightarrow X_s/d l+l-
Direct searches for light new physics with BaBar
Parallel Session Exotics and BSM Physics II |
Early Search for Supersymmetry at ATLAS
Higgs sensitivity in ATLAS
Search for Heavy Stable Charged Particles in CMS
Plenary Session Thursday morning |
LHC physics beyond the Standard Model
Parallel Session Theory II |
Scattering Amplitudes in String/Gauge Theory Correspondence
Qualitative and Quantitative Jet Physics in Pb + Pb at LHC
Parallel Session QCD II |
Results and Prospects for charm physics at LHCb
Parallel Session Exotics and BSM Physics III |
Search for Pair Production of Leptoquarks in the CMS Experiment
Two Early Exotic searches with dijet events at ATLAS