Kruger 2010
December 5 - 10, 2010
Kruger National Park, Mpumalanga, South Africa
published July 19, 2011
Six days of plenary talks and parallel sessions where some of the very latest experimental results from the LHC (ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb), as well as topical beyond the Standard Model theories, will be presented. The surroundings of one of the worldʼs largest national parks, and the physics results presented during this workshop, will serve to inspire discussions between theorists and experimentalists on the latest LHC and Tevatron measurements as well as our expectations for the future.
Plenary Session Monday morning
Parallel Session Detector I
Plenary Session Sunday
Parallel Session Standard Model I
Parellel Session QCD I
Plenary Session Tuesday morning
Parallel Session Detector II
Parallel Session Exotics and BSM Physics I
Parallel Session B-physics I
Plenary Session Wednesday morning
Parellel Session Theory I
Parallel Session Standard Model II
Parallel Session B-physics II
Parallel Session Exotics and BSM Physics II
Plenary Session Thursday morning
Parallel Session Theory II
Parallel Session QCD II
Parallel Session Exotics and BSM Physics III
Plenary Session Monday morning
Overview of the ALICE results
ATLAS Overview
Parallel Session Detector I
The ALICE Electromagnetic Calorimeter EMCAL: its Status and its Physics Capabilities
A. Fantoni
Performance of the ATLAS Calorimeters
C. Santoni
Setting of the ATLAS Jet Energy Scale
M. Petteni
Plenary Session Sunday
Experimental particle physics in the LHC era and possible implications for development in Africa
K. Assamagan
Parallel Session Standard Model I
Production of W, Z in ATLAS
Z. Czyczula
Top Quark Studies in ATLAS
A. Papadelis
Hard QCD Measurements in ATLAS
Soft QCD Measurements in ATLAS
P.J. Laycock
Parellel Session QCD I
Quarkonium and Heavy Flavour Physics with ALICE at the LHC
M. Gagliardi
Particle Production Studies at LHCb
Inclusive production of jets and dijets at LHCb
G. Auriemma
Plenary Session Tuesday morning
LHCb Status, First Physics and Discovery Potential
O. Steinkamp
SUSY Predictions for the LHC
S. Heinemeyer
Parallel Session Detector II
Operation, Calibration and Performance of the CMS Silicon Tracker
E. Focardi
Operation and Performance of the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter
M. Malberti
Operation and Performance of the LHCb Experiment
F. Alessio
Performance of Track and Vertex Reconstruction and B-tagging Studies with CMS in pp Collisions at \sqrt s = 7TeV
A. Schmidt
Parallel Session Exotics and BSM Physics I
Searches for new physics with jets at ATLAS
L. Courneyea
CMS searches for new physics
M.S. Soares
Searches for new physics with leptons in ATLAS
Parallel Session B-physics I
Heavy Flavour Production in ATLAS
F. Conventi
Study of hadronic b-decays at LHCb
A. Martens
Prompt Jpsi and b\rightarrow Jpsi X production in pp collisions
Prospects of CPV in Bs\rightarrow JpsiPhi with first LHCb data
Plenary Session Wednesday morning
Challenging the Standard Model at the Tevatron Collider
F. Filthaut
Antimatter Production in p-p and Heavy Ion Collisions at Ultrarelativistic Energies
J. Cleymans
Parellel Session Theory I
Scaling of Yukawa Couplings and Quark Flavor Mixings in the UED Model
L.X. Liu and A. Cornell
Parallel Session Standard Model II
CMS Results in Electroweak Physics
W and Z production in the forward region at LHCb
D. Hutchcroft
Parallel Session B-physics II
B\rightarrow X_s/d gamma and B\rightarrow X_s/d l+l-
M. Margoni
Direct searches for light new physics with BaBar
N. Lopez-March
Parallel Session Exotics and BSM Physics II
Early Search for Supersymmetry at ATLAS
Higgs sensitivity in ATLAS
J. Novakova
Search for Heavy Stable Charged Particles in CMS
N. Neumeister
Plenary Session Thursday morning
LHC physics beyond the Standard Model
A. De andrea
Parallel Session Theory II
Scattering Amplitudes in String/Gauge Theory Correspondence
D. Giataganas
Qualitative and Quantitative Jet Physics in Pb + Pb at LHC
W.A. Horowitz
Parallel Session QCD II
Results and Prospects for charm physics at LHCb
Parallel Session Exotics and BSM Physics III
Search for Pair Production of Leptoquarks in the CMS Experiment
P. Rumerio
Two Early Exotic searches with dijet events at ATLAS
R. Rezvani