BEAUTY 2011 - (other beauty conferences)
April 4-8 2011
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
published October 10, 2011
The purpose of the Beauty 2011 conference is to review results in the field of B-physics and CP-violation, as well as to explore the physics potential of upcoming B-physics experiments, with a focus on hadron machines.
conference main image
Main session
13th International Conference on B-Physics at Hadron Machines (Beauty 2011)
R. Fleischer, S. Erhan and N. Harnew
Main session
Measurement of exclusive B-hadron production at 7 TeV with the CMS experiment
Theory Overview on Spectroscopy
Studies of Bs\rightarrow J/psi phi decays with CMS
V. Azzolini
Asl and the anomalous like-sign dimuon charge asymmetry at D0
I. Bertram
Bs\rightarrow Dsh and B\rightarrow Dh decays in LHCb
S.R. Blusk
Open heavy flavour measurements with the ALICE experiment at the LHC
Theory Vision
Open b and bb cross section using inclusive and exclusive channels at ATLAS
I. Christidi
Dimuon reconstruction for B physics in ATLAS
M. Corradi
Quarkonia studies in LHCb: Y(1S), double J/psi, psi(2S), chi_c
Bs\rightarrow J/psi phi decays at ATLAS
A. Dewhurst
Searching for New Physics through charm at CDF
A. Di Canto
Suppressed Bs decays at the Tevatron
Theory Overview of Charm Physics
Lepton Flavour Violation Theory
T. Feldmann
B Lifetimes, X.Y,Z states at the Tevatron
J.P. Fernãndez
First ADS analysis of B+\rightarrow D0K decays in hadronic collisions CDF
Charm mixing and CP violation at LHCb
M. Gersabeck
Beauty production results from CMS
Conference Summary
A. Golutvin
First measurement of sin(2beta) at LHCb with B0\rightarrow J/psi KS
M. Grabalosa Gandara
LHCb detector performance
CDF measurement of time-integrated mixing
J/psi and Bc production at LHCb
D meson production cross section - Atlas
J/Psi production in pp and heavy-ion collisions at Atlas
|Vub| and |Vcb| from semileptonic B decays and B\rightarrow tau nu
R.V. Kowalewski
Rare decays at the Tevatron
Charm production at LHCb
A. Kozlinskiy
Theory overview of heavy flavour production
LHCb semileptonic highlights from 2010 and prospects for 2011
R. Lambert
Measurement of quarkonium production with CMS
N. Leonardo
Charm inputs for gamma measurements
Theory Overview of Semileptonic decays
LHCb Upgrade
BES III: charming physics at an e+e- collider
J. Messchendorp
Atlas detector performance
R. Nikolaidou
Rare decay results and prospects with LHCb
M. Palutan
CP violation measurements with Bs\rightarrow J/psi phi decays at the Tevatron
I. Ripp-baudot
Unitarity Triangle measurements - BaBar/Belle
M. Roehrken
Bs decays and mixing
J. Rosner and M. Gronau
CP violation in B\rightarrow hh decays at the Tevatron
F. Ruffini
Heavy flavour production at HERA
CMS detector performance
Rare B decays
b production cross section and fragmentation functions at LHCb
Time-dependent angular analysis of $B^0_s \rightarrow J/\psi \phi$ events at LHCb
B\rightarrow hh (hadronic final states) at LHCb
V. Vagnoni
Flavour tagging and mixing at LHCb
Lattice QCD Calculations with b Quarks: Status and Prospects
M. Wingate
Recent bottomonium results from BaBar and Belle
V. Ziegler