HQL 2010 - (other hql conferences)
October 11-15 2010
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell'INFN, Frascati, Rome, Italy
published August 26, 2011

The Xth International Conference on Heavy Quarks and Leptons (Frascati, 11-15 October, 2010), continues the tradition of regular scientific meetings, first started in 1993 at the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati in Rome, Italy, under the name "Heavy Quarks at Fixed Target". In 2002 the scope was widened to include leptons with the workshop renamed to what is known as today. This workshop is dedicated to the study of the heavy quarks, namely charm, bottom and top, with obvious extensions to interesting topics involving the strange quark. Neutrino oscillation studies and new insights in mu and tau lepton phenomenology are also included.

Topics are:

Featuring Luciano Maiani
(CNR and Sapienza, Università di Roma)
In memoriam of Nicola Cabibbo (1935-2010)

Editorial Board: Luigi Benussi, Stefano Bianco, Davide Piccolo, Daniela Rebuzzi.

Local Organizing Committee: Luigi Benussi, Stefano Bianco, Marta Calvi, Antonio Di Domenico, Franco L. Fabbri, Davide Piccolo, Daniela Rebuzzi, Stefano Colafranceschi, M. Cristina D'Amato.

International Advisory Committee: Elisabetta Barberio, Gianpaolo Bellini, Stefano Bianco, Joel Butler, Brad Cox, Franco L. Fabbri, Konrad Kleinknecht, Angel Lopez, Stephan Paul, Adam Para.

Session Conveners: Alberto Correa Dos Reis (Spectroscopy); Elisabetta Barberio and Marta Calvi (CKM Physics); Will E. Johns (Semileptonics Physics); Konrad Kleinknecht and Antonio Di Domenico (Kaon Physics); Hitoshi Yamamoto, Giancarlo D'Ambrosio and Daniela Rebuzzi (CP Violation); Giancarlo Piredda (Lepton Flavor Violation); Adam Para and Gianpaolo Bellini and Daniela Rebuzzi (Neutrino Physics); Joel Butler, Davide Piccolo and Luigi Benussi (Top Physics); Brad Cox and Marta Calvi (Rare Decays); Angel Lopez and Antonio Di Domenico (New Experiments).

conference main image
CKM Physics
Semileptonic Physics
Kaon Physics
CP Violation
Nicola Cabibbo Memorial
Lepton Flavor Violation
Neutrino Physics
Top Quark Physics
Rare Decays
New Experiments
Summary Session
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M. Calvetti
Recent developments on the theory of quarkonium and bottomonium
N. Brambilla
Exes and why Z?
E. van Beveren and G. Rupp
Spectroscopy results from Tevatron
D. Tonelli
Spectroscopy results from ATLAS and CMS (minireview)
A. Perieanu
Recent results from BESIII
Recent results on hadron spectroscopy at COMPASS
R. Geyer
Spectroscopy results from BaBar
E. Prencipe
Spectroscopy results from BELLE
Charmonium and Heavy Flavour Production at LHCb
C. Fitzpatrick
Measurement of J/ψ, Upsilon and b-hadron production in proton-proton collisions at \sqrt s = 7 TeV
R. Covarelli
CKM Physics
The CKM analysis: inputs from theory
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V. Lubicz
Vub and Vcb exclusive
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I. Nakamura
Vub inclusive
N. Gagliardi
Vus from tau
I. Nugent
Vus from kaon decays
C. Bloise
Searches for leptonic B decays and B\rightarrow Dtau nu at the B-factories
D. Lindemann
Inclusive Measurements of B\rightarrow X_c l nu and B\rightarrow X_s gamma Decays
K.J. Knoepfel
Unitarity Triangle Analysis within and beyond the SM
C. Tarantino, A. Bevan, M. Bona, M. Ciuchini, D. Derkach, E. Franco, V. Lubicz, G. Martinelli, F. Parodi, M. Pierini, C. Schiavi, L. Silvestrini, V. Sordini, A. Stocchi and V. Vagnoni
Status, open problems and prospects of the decay B -\rightarrow lepton neutrino
L.A. Perez
Semileptonic Physics
Review of the CLEO-c semileptonic results
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G. Bonvicini
Studies of exclusive charmless semileptonic B decays and extraction of |V_{ub}| at BaBar
P. Taras
D, Ds Leptonic decays and form factors
M. Staric
Studies of semileptonic decays with the LHCb detector
R. Lambert
Kaon Physics
Theoretical highlights in Kaon decays
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M. Gorbahn
Measurement of BR(K -\rightarrow e nu)/BR(K -\rightarrow mu nu) in NA62
A. Sergi
Status and prospects for the Ke2/Kmu2 at KLOE/KLOE2
B. Sciascia
Measurement of semileptonic form factors in Kmu3
M. Hita_Hochgesand
Precision Measurement of pi pi Scattering Lengths in Ke4 Decays
C. Biino
Precision measurements of kaon radiative decays in NA48
The NA62 experiment at CERN
G. Ruggiero
Measuring KS and KL lifetimes at KLOE
M. Dreucci
Preparations for BSM Seaches using the Top-Antitop invariant Mass Distribution in CMS
M.G. Weinberg
Light-Meson Spectroscopy with COMPASS
B. Grube
J. Maeda
Rare B Decay potential of SuperB
A. Rakitin
CP Violation and new physics in loop and tree decays at SuperB
S. Stracka
Tau physics at SuperB
A. Cervelli
Charm physics at SuperB
R. Faccini
Measurement of the inclusive b production cross section in pp collisions at \sqrt s = 7 TeV
Probing the heavy flavor content of ttbar events in proton-proton collisions at CMS
A. Tropiano
SuperB: The machine and the Detector
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D. Lindemann
Interactions of Mev and Gev sterile neutrinos with matter
CP Violation
CPV Phenomenology Overview Talk
L. Silvestrini
CP Violation in BaBar/BELLE (BaBar speaker)
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D. Derkach
CP Violation in BaBar/BELLE (BELLE speaker)
D0 Results on Asl and Phi_s
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P. Ratoff
Precision measurement of CP violation in D0-\rightarrow pipi at CDF
A. Di Canto
New measurement of the B^0_s mixing phase at CDF
E. Pueschel
Search for New Physics in CP-violating Phenomena at LHCb
J. Blouw
Nicola Cabibbo Memorial
In memoriam of Nicola Cabibbo
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L. Maiani
Lepton Flavor Violation
LFV: Where are we ?
P. Paradisi
New cLFV search experiments using the mu-e conversion process
S. Mihara
Search for Lepton-Flavor-Violating tau decays at the B factories
A. Lusiani
Search for lepton flavor violating muon decay: latest result from MEG
Y. Uchiyama
Neutrino Physics
Non-Standard Neutrino Interactions
E. Fernandez Martinez
Solar neutrino oscillations and the recent results of Borexino and SNO
Recent Results from Long Baseline Neutrino Experiments
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M. Messier
Recent results on Dark Matter
P. Belli
Status of the Neutrino Physics
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C. Pena Garay
Geoneutrinos (models and data)
O. Smirnov
Top Quark Physics
Top quark physics at CDF, status and prospects
S. Leone
Top quark physics at D0
P. Renkel
Observation of Top-Quark Production at 7TeV - CMS
P. Ribeiro
Understanding backgrounds towards a first measurement of the top quark pair cross-section at ATLAS
B. Radics
Prospects for Top Quark Studies with CMS for up to 1fb-1
T. Peiffer
Rare Decays
Rare B and C decay - Theoretical overview
G. Isidori
Rare B decays results and prospects in ATLAS
V. Sipica
Dimuon decays and rare B decays prospects from CMS
L. Martini
Search for New Physics with Rare Heavy Flavour Decays at LHCb
N. Tuning
Rare decays searches at Babar
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C. Jessop
Suppressed B decays at CDF
M. Rescigno
Rare B and D decays results from CDF
S. Farrington
Search for the rare decay B0_s to mu+ mu- with the D0 experiment
I. Ripp-baudot
New Experiments
Hadron Physics with Strange and Charm Quarks - The PANDA Experiment
O. Hartmann
The KLOE-2 experiment at DAFNE upgraded in luminosity
W. Wislicki
Future experiments on rare kaon decays
T. Spadaro
Future Neutrino Experiments
W. Zhong
Status and Prospects of the Super KEKB project (title TBC)
Z. Dolezal
The SuperB Project
G. Finocchiaro
Future and prospects in flavour physics from LHCb, ATLAS and CMS
P. Perret
Summary Session
Spectroscopy session summary
A. Correa dos Reis
CKM session summary
M. Calvi
Semileptonics session summary
W. Johns
Kaons session summary
C. Biino
CP violation session summary
H. Yamamoto
LFV session summary
G. Piredda
Neutrino physics session summary
G. Bellini
Top quark physics session summary
J. Butler
Rare decays session summary
Future experiments session summary
A. Lopez