CRA School
August 25 - September 04 2010
UFABC - Santo André - São Paulo - Brazil
published May 09, 2011
The "4th School on Cosmic Rays and Astrophysics" is the 4th edition of an event which aims to promote physics of Cosmic Rays and Astrophysics in the Latin American community. This School aims to provide an overview of theoretical and experimental physics of Cosmic Rays and Astrophysics. It is open to advanced graduate students or post-graduate researchers interested in learning the essentials of these fields. The list of seminars includes topics such as experimental techniques, composition and spectrum of primary cosmic rays, high energy interactions, Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs), neutrino astrophysics, cosmic ray detectors, simulations, solar modulation, and the current state development and the results of several observatories, such as the Pierre Auger, HiRes, Telescope Array, Kascade, HESS, Veritas, Magic, IceCube, JEM-EUSO, Owl, Fermi-LAT, among others.
conference main image
Pierre Auger Observatory
V. de Souza
Detectors for CR Physics
C. Morello
Introduction to HE Astrophysics
G. Lugones
Solar Neutrino Detection
L. Miramonti
CR Physics in Brazil
C. Dobrigkeit
Public Lecture
O. Saavedra
CR Damages in Planetary Enviroments
A. Zanini and O. Borla
GRBs Observations with LAGO
X. Bertou
CRs Observation at TUPI
CR Physics in Argentina
C. Bonifazi
HE Interactions
E.H. Shibuya
The HECRs: Experiments and Recent Results
A. Castellina and W. Chamani
Neutrino Physics & Astrophysics
P. Galeotti, I. Garcia and C. Contreras
Solar and atmospheric influences in the cosmic ray intensity
R.R. Mendonça, J.P. Raulin, F.C.P. Bertoni, E. Echer, V.S. Makhmutov and G. Fernández
Cosmic ray modulation associated to small and moderate geomagnetic storms during minimum solar activity
C.R. Braga
Massive particle production from accelerated sources in high magnetic fields
D. Fregolente and A. Saa
Water Cherenkov Detector installation by the Vertical Muon Equivalent technique
I. Garcia
Atmospheric Radiation Monitor
V.P. Luzio
Study of Number of photons at axis Shower with different dE/dx and Fluorescence Yield
C.J. Todero Peixoto
Radial Oscillations of Color Superconducting Quark Stars
C.O. Vazques Flores
Modelling Newtonian and Relativistic Neutron Stars
F.M. Araujo
Study of the propagation of ultra-high energy cosmic rays in extragalactic magnetic fields
E.F. Lima
The Fluorescence Radiation Yield Induced in Atmosphere by Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays
M.S.A.B. Leão
Atmospheric Eletric Field on Cosmic Rays Rate
R. Winkelmann
Studying local anisotropy properties of the most energetic cosmic rays by Monte Carlo clustering analysis
H.R.M. Falcon
Air Shower Simulations for INCA II experiment, by using CORSIKA
W. Chamani