Sessions |
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Lectures: |
Pierre Auger Observatory
Detectors for CR Physics
Introduction to HE Astrophysics
Solar Neutrino Detection
CR Physics in Brazil
Public Lecture
CR Damages in Planetary Enviroments
GRBs Observations with LAGO
CRs Observation at TUPI
CR Physics in Argentina
HE Interactions
The HECRs: Experiments and Recent Results
Neutrino Physics & Astrophysics
Posters: |
Solar and atmospheric influences in the cosmic ray intensity
Cosmic ray modulation associated to small and moderate geomagnetic storms during minimum solar activity
Massive particle production from accelerated sources in high magnetic fields
Water Cherenkov Detector installation by the Vertical Muon Equivalent technique
Atmospheric Radiation Monitor
Study of Number of photons at axis Shower with different dE/dx and Fluorescence Yield
Radial Oscillations of Color Superconducting Quark Stars
Modelling Newtonian and Relativistic Neutron Stars
Study of the propagation of ultra-high energy cosmic rays in extragalactic magnetic fields
The Fluorescence Radiation Yield Induced in Atmosphere by Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays
Atmospheric Eletric Field on Cosmic Rays Rate
Studying local anisotropy properties of the most energetic cosmic rays by Monte Carlo clustering analysis
Papers |
Air Shower Simulations for INCA II experiment, by using CORSIKA