FPCP 2010 - (other fpcp conferences)
May 25-29,2010
Turin, Italy
published January 22, 2016
The aim of the meeting is to review developments, both theoretical and experimental, related to the physics of heavy flavors. Updates on many topics, including CP violation, rare decays, spectroscopy, CKM elements and, perhaps most importantly, the potential for studies of heavy flavor decays to help unravel any new physics seen directly at the LHC, have been presented.
conference main image
Session First Results from New Experiments
Session Angles of the CKM Triangles (1)
Session Angles of the CKM Triangles (2)
Session Bs Decays
Session Hadronic B Decays
Session Baryons
D Decays
Session B Leptonic & Radiatives Decays
Session Sides of the CKM Triangles
Session D0 Mixing and CP Violation
Session Overview of CKM Data
Session Quarkonia and Beyond
Session Charged Lepton Flavor Violation
Session Neutrino Physics
Session Future Projects
Session Concluding Session
Session First Results from New Experiments
Flavor Physics with ATLAS: status and perspectives
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S. Hassani
Flavor Physics with CMS: status and perspectives
U. Langenegger
First Results from LHCb
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F. Muheim
First Results from BESIII
Session Angles of the CKM Triangles (1)
Measurements of \beta
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K. Sumisawa
Measurements of \alpha
J.P. Dalseno
Measurements of \gamma
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D. Derkach
D Hadronic Decays (related to extraction of angle \gamma )
C. Thomas
Angle measurements
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J. Zupan
Session Angles of the CKM Triangles (2)
Evidence for an anomalous like-sign dimuon charge asymmetry
G. Brooijmans
S-waves and the extraction of \beta s
Measurement of \beta s at CDF
Measurement of \beta s at D0
A. Chandra
Session Bs Decays
Bs Decays at the Tevatron
G. Giurgiu
Bs Decays at the B-Factories
R. Louvot
Session Hadronic B Decays
Charmless B Decays
Baryonic B Decays
J.G. Shiu
Hadronic B Decays
Session Baryons
Baryon Production and Decays and b-hadron lifetimes
S. Donati
D Decays
D Leptonic Decays
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S. Stone
D Semileptonic Decays
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K. Ecklund
D Hadronic Decays (not related to extraction of angle \gamma )
J. Rademacker
Lattice and Charm Physics
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J. Shigemitsu
Session B Leptonic & Radiatives Decays
B\rightarrow s/d l+l- & s/d\gamma
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H. Nakayama
Radiative and Rare Leptonic Decays
M. Misiak
B\rightarrow µµ, B\rightarrow K*µµ
B\rightarrow \tau \nu and B\rightarrow D(*)\tau \nu
Session Sides of the CKM Triangles
Measurement of |Vcb| and |Vub|
R. Kowalewski
Determination of |Vub| and |Vcb|: a theory perspective
T. Mannel
|Vud| and |Vus|
P. Massarotti
|Vus| from strange decays of \tau lepton
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S. Paramesvaran
Session D0 Mixing and CP Violation
D0 mixing
CP Violation in D0 Decays
M. Martinelli
D Physics: SM and New Physics Potential
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G. Perez
D(s)+ Decays and their CPV
A. Zupanc
Inclusive Semileptonic D Decays and the Heavy Quark Expansion
J. F. Kamenik
Session Overview of CKM Data
Lattice Input to CKM Measurements
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J. Laiho
Global fit to CKM data (CKMfitter)
S. Descotes-genon
Global fit to CKM data (UTfit)
M. Bona, A. Bevan, M. Ciuchini, D. Derkach, E. Franco, V. Lubicz, G. Martinelli, F. Parodi, M. Pierini, C. Schiavi, L. Silvestrini, V. Sordini, A. Stocchi, C. Tarantino and V. Vagnoni
Lessons for new physics from CKM studies
E. Lunghi, J. Laiho and R. Van de Water
Session Quarkonia and Beyond
b anti-b States
c anti-c States
P. Biassoni
New Quarkonia States
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A.D. Polosa
Y(nS) Polarization Measurements
Session Charged Lepton Flavor Violation
Charged Lepton Flavor Violation
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V. Cirigliano
Neutrinoless Double b Decay
F. Bellini
Lepton Flavor Violation at B Factories
Y. Miyazaki
Lepton Flavor Violation in µ\rightarrow e\gamma
Future LFV Experiments
Session Neutrino Physics
Status of Neutrino Physics Experiments
Neutrino Physics: a Theoretical Review
T. Schwetz-Mangold
Experimental Perspectives of Neutrino Physics
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M. Mezzetto
Session Future Projects
Physics reach of future flavor physics experiments
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Z. Ligeti
Status of SuperB
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U. Wienands
Status of SuperKEKB
Upgrade of LHCb
F. Machefert
K\rightarrow \pi \nu \nu Experiments
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M. Tecchio
Status of NA62
C. Lazzeroni
Session Concluding Session
Experimental Summary and Outlook
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H. Jawahery
What if ? or On the interplay between Serendipity, Intuition and Conjecture
B. Grinstein