Session First Results from New Experiments |
Flavor Physics with ATLAS: status and perspectives
Flavor Physics with CMS: status and perspectives
First Results from LHCb
First Results from BESIII
Session Angles of the CKM Triangles (1) |
Measurements of \beta
Measurements of \alpha
Measurements of \gamma
D Hadronic Decays (related to extraction of angle \gamma )
Angle measurements
Session Angles of the CKM Triangles (2) |
Evidence for an anomalous like-sign dimuon charge asymmetry
S-waves and the extraction of \beta s
Measurement of \beta s at CDF
Measurement of \beta s at D0
Session Bs Decays |
Bs Decays at the Tevatron
Bs Decays at the B-Factories
Session Hadronic B Decays |
Charmless B Decays
Baryonic B Decays
Hadronic B Decays
Session Baryons |
Baryon Production and Decays and b-hadron lifetimes
D Decays |
D Leptonic Decays
D Semileptonic Decays
D Hadronic Decays (not related to extraction of angle \gamma )
Lattice and Charm Physics
Session B Leptonic & Radiatives Decays |
B\rightarrow s/d l+l- & s/d\gamma
Radiative and Rare Leptonic Decays
B\rightarrow µµ, B\rightarrow K*µµ
B\rightarrow \tau \nu and B\rightarrow D(*)\tau \nu
Session Sides of the CKM Triangles |
Measurement of |Vcb| and |Vub|
Determination of |Vub| and |Vcb|: a theory perspective
|Vud| and |Vus|
|Vus| from strange decays of \tau lepton
Session D0 Mixing and CP Violation |
D0 mixing
CP Violation in D0 Decays
D Physics: SM and New Physics Potential
D(s)+ Decays and their CPV
Inclusive Semileptonic D Decays and the Heavy Quark Expansion
Session Overview of CKM Data |
Lattice Input to CKM Measurements
Global fit to CKM data (CKMfitter)
Global fit to CKM data (UTfit)
Lessons for new physics from CKM studies
Session Quarkonia and Beyond |
b anti-b States
c anti-c States
New Quarkonia States
Y(nS) Polarization Measurements
Session Charged Lepton Flavor Violation |
Charged Lepton Flavor Violation
Neutrinoless Double b Decay
Lepton Flavor Violation at B Factories
Lepton Flavor Violation in µ\rightarrow e\gamma
Future LFV Experiments
Session Neutrino Physics |
Status of Neutrino Physics Experiments
Neutrino Physics: a Theoretical Review
Experimental Perspectives of Neutrino Physics
Session Future Projects |
Physics reach of future flavor physics experiments
Status of SuperB
Status of SuperKEKB
Upgrade of LHCb
K\rightarrow \pi \nu \nu Experiments
Status of NA62
Session Concluding Session |
Experimental Summary and Outlook
What if ? or On the interplay between Serendipity, Intuition and Conjecture