Session 1: Object Reviews (I) - Isolated Neutron Stars and X-ray Binaries |
Isolated Neutron Stars (Invited Review)
Magnetars and their Extreme Variability (Invited Review)
High time resolution observations of millisecond pulsars with the Fermi Large Area Telescope
Optical timing studies of neutron stars: Current Status
Fast variability from X-ray binaries (Invited Review)
Fast multiwavelength variability from jets in X-ray binaries
The Role of Jets in Black-hole X-ray Binaries
Mapping LMXBs with reprocessed X-ray bursts
Rapid variations of polarization in low-mass X-ray binaries
Session 2: Object Reviews (II) - Compact Binaries and Transients |
White Dwarfs and Ultra Compact Binaries (Invited Review)
High speed spectroscopy of intermediate polars
Very fast photometric observations of the intermediate polar V2069 Cyg
Discovery of the Eclipsing Detached Double White Dwarf Binary
Extra-Galactic Transients (Invited Review)
Transient Radio Neutron Stars
Probing magnetar physics through high time-resolved spectroscopy of X-ray flashes
OPTIMA observations of the first optical magnetar SWIFT J1955+26: an update
Session 3: Object Reviews (III) - Stars, Transits, Occultations |
Stellar Oscillations and Occultations (Invited Review)
Spectroscopic Confirmation of the 5.4min Orbital Period in HM Cnc
Probing the nature of the shortest period binary HM Cnc through time-resolved multiwavelength studies
Flare star observations with OPTIMA
Fast and transient phenomena in stellar magnetospheres / flare stars
ULTRACAM observations of SDSS J0926+3624: The first known eclipsing AM CVn star
Detecting a small Kuiper Belt object using archival data of HST's Fine Guidance Sensor
Session 4: Future Science Goals |
HTRA Discovery Potentials (Invited Review)
Optical timing studies of neutron stars: Future Goals
Partially Screened Gap - general approach and observational consequences
Searching Sub-Millisecond Pulsars in Accreting Neutron Stars
Fermi pulsar revolution (Invited Review)
Session 5: Optical HTRA with Current and Future Instruments |
Optical HTRA Instruments (Invited Review)
Solid State Photon-Counters for High Time Resolution Astrophysics (HTRA)
Results of Iqueye at the NTT in 2009
Spatial decomposition of polarization components of the Crab pulsar and its nebula
The European Extremely Large Telescope : science case and project status (Invited Review)
The optical pulsar B0540-69
OCTOCAM: A multi-channel imager and spectrograph to explore the transient Universe
Fast photometry at the Paris observatory: portable cameras and multi-fibre instruments
Session 6: Multi-wavelength HTRA with Current and Future Instruments |
The HTRA potential of the SKA and its relation to observations with large optical telescopes (Invited Review)
The HTRA Potential of IXO (Invited Review)
The Chirpolator: A new method for detecting fast transients with radio interferometers
HTRA potential of future space-based X- and gamma-ray facilities (Invited Review)
HTRA with Cerenkov Telescopes (Invited review)
High resolution X-ray Timing from a LOFT
High Time Resolution Astrophysics in the Extremely Large Telescope Era : White Paper
Session 7: Poster Session |
Timing X-ray Pulsars with Application to Spacecraft Navigation
MIOSOTYS, a multi-object high-rate photometer designed for TNO serendipitous occultations
Physical properties of IP Pegasi: an eclipsing dwarf nova with an unusually cool white dwarf
X-ray thermal radiation from hot polar cap in pulsars
The OPTIMA photo-polarimeter: updated configuration and calibration
The orbital ephemeris and emission states of HU Aqr observed with OPTIMA
Period Variations in Eclipsing Post Common Envelope Binaries
Fast-time variability in high-mass X-ray binaries: SAX J2103.5+4545
Detectors for High-Speed Polarimetric Observations Using GASP
OPTIMA-Burst photon-counting observations of GRB 090726
A Model of High Energy Activity of Millisecond Pulsars in Globular Clusters