Table of contents |
Why Quantum of Quasars?
Challenges for the next generation amplitude interferometer
The Hanbury Brown-Twiss effect for cold atoms
Development of a modern stellar intensity interferometer using Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescope arrays.
Coherent light-matter interactions
Coherence properties of modeless lasers
HgCdTe APD- Focal Plane Array development at DEFIR for low flux and photon-counting applications.
Synchrotron and Inverse Compton radiation from relativistic plasma. Effects of coherence and turbulence.
Quantum decoherence from stochastic backgrounds of gravitational waves
A first attempt to Intensity Interferometry with Iqueye
Using up-conversion interferometer for high resolution imaging. Up to the photon counting limit?
Non thermal emission from astrophysical jets
Optical quantum entanglement in astrophysics
Photon quantum correlation measurements by two photon absorption in semiconductors: Do blackbody photons effectively bunch?