The International Workshop on Cosmic Structure and Evolution took place in
Bielefeld, Germany from September 23 - 25, 2009, and was organized by
Kari Enqvist, Aravind Natarajan, Patrick Peter, and Dominik Schwarz.
The workshop was supported by the Center for Interdisciplinary Research
(ZiF), and by the International Graduate School, GRK 881, Bielefeld -
"Quantum Fields and Strongly Interacting Matter".
The primary focus of the workshop was on discussing new advances in large scale structure and the cosmic microwave background, and consisted of invited lectures by leading researchers, contributed talks, as well as discussion sessions.
Invited speakers were:
Julio Fabris, Vittoria was so kind to jump in on a rather short notice, as Bob Nichol could not make it due to an emergency.
We thank all speakers and participants for their contributions in talks and discussions. We thank Florian Kühnel and the Center Service Media of Bielefeld University for producing video streams of all talks and discussion sessions, which are available at
We thank Gudrun Eickmeyer for the perfect organisation of practical things, including the fantastic conference dinner at the "Glück und Seligkeit".
Aravind Natarajan
Dominik J. Schwarz
Table of contents |
Large Scale Structure with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Cosmological Constraints Estimations in Unification Models
The Large Scale Inhomogeneity of the Distribution of Galaxies
Observing Alternatives to Inflation
Gravitational Backreaction in Cosmological Spaces
Dark Matter as an Active Component
The Virtues of Frugality - Why Cosmological Observers should Release their Data Slowly
Cosmological first-order phase transitions beyond the standard inflationary scenario
Power Spectra from an Inflaton Coupled to the Gauss-Bonnet Term
The Peculiar Velocity Anomaly as a Hint for Recent Growth?
The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation - A Unique Window on the Early Universe
Is the Large Angle CMB Inconsistent with Concordance Cosmology?
Growths of Dark Matter Halos and Galaxies in a Lambda-CDM Universe
Non-Gaussian Probability Distribution of the CMB Angular Power Spectra
Anomalous Spot Abundances in the CMB
The Axis of Evil - A Polarization Perspective
Preparation to the Planck Analysis: 3D Modelisation of the Polarized Galactic Emissions
Contribution from Annihilating Dark Matter to the CMB Anisotropy and Polarization
How much Microwave Emission can we See from Interplanetary Dust?
Differences at low l in Planck's first light sky map from WMAP's and COBE's
SNLS 3rd Year Cosmological Results
The Cosmic Microwave Background and the Topology of the Universe
IGM Reionization and 21cm Observations
Higher Order Dilaton Gravity: Effective Equations at the Brane
Probing Backreaction Effects with Supernova Data
Dark Matter Annihilation and Hydrogen 21cm Cosmology