Nufact08 - (other nufact conferences)
June 30 - July 5 2008
Valencia, Spain
published July 03, 2009
Nufact08 is the tenth edition of a series of workshops started in 1999, whose main goal is to understand the different options for a future neutrino oscillation experiment able to attack the problems of mass hierarchy and CP violation in the leptonic sector
conference main image
Plenary talks
WG1: Phenomenology I
WG1: Phenomenology II
WG1-WG2: Golden channel I
WG1-WG2: Golden channel II
WG1-WG2: Silver and platinum channels
WG1-WG3: Nufact and beta beam optimisation
WG1: Miscellaneous
WG2: Nuclear Effects in Neutrino Scattering I
WG2: Nuclear Effects in Neutrino Scattering II
WG2: Electroweak Physics
WG3-WG4: Proton driver
WG3: Capture
WG3-WG4: Front end
WG3-WG4: Muon source - End to end simulation - Target I
WG3: Beta beams
WG3: Target II
WG3-WG4: Experience with operating beams for Neutrino experiments
WG3-WG4: Acceleration
WG4: Muon dipole moments
WG4: Detector and Source Developments: Charged Lepton Flavor Violation Experiments
WG4: Muon decay properties
WG4: Symmetry tests with muons
Plenary talks
Neutrinos in the standard model and beyond
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H. Murayama
The Physics of Massive Neutrinos
C. Gonzalez-Garcia
Status and prospects for long baseline experiments
N. Saoulidou
Detector R&D for future neutrino oscillations facilities
P. Soler
Optimisation of future neutrino oscillation experiments
Status and prospects for solar and atmospheric neutrinos
T. Kajita
Beta beam R&D status
E. Wildner
Results and lessons from the operation of current beams for neutrino experiments
E. Gschwendtner
Neutrino interactions with nuclei
U. Mosel, T. Leitner, O. Buss and L. Alvarez-Ruso
Experimental status of neutrino scattering physics and needed measurements
T. Nakaya
Project-X and its connection to neutrino physics
D. Harris and A. Jansson
The scientific case for muon physics at a neutrino factory
S. Davidson
Status and prospects for hadron production experiments
M.G. Catanesi
Neutrino scatttering physics at future neutrino oscillation facilities
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R. Petti
Non oscillation flavor physics at future neutrino oscillation facilities
O. Yasuda
Synergies between neutrino physics and collider physics
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A. Pilaftsis
Muon acceleration: introduction and R&D on limiting technologies
A. Bross
From the neutrino factory to a muon collider: Scheme for Ionization Cooling for a Muon Collider
R. Palmer
Experiments for accelerator R&D
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H. Kirk
Beyond 3 neutrino oscillations
A. de Gouvea
Prospects for mass scale and inverted hierarchy in non oscillations experiments
S. Pascoli
Experimental prospects for muon physics at a neutrino factory
B.L. Roberts
Status and prospects for reactor experiments
D. Lhuillier
What cosmology can tell us about neutrino physics in the next 10 years?
S. Pastor
WG1 summary
P. Hernandez
WG1-WG2 joint summary
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C. Walter
WG2 summary
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Y. Hayato
WG3 summary
M. Meddahi and D. Li
WG4 summary
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F. Gatti
Closing talk
C. Quigg
WG1: Phenomenology I
$\gamma =350 Li/B \beta$ beam
E. Fernandez Martinez
CERN-INO magical Beta-beam experiment: A high precision probe for neutrino parameters
S.K. Agarwalla
Breaking Dark Matter Degeneracies with Neutrino Detectors
S. Palomares-Ruiz
Optimising the greenfield betabeam
W. Winter
WG1: Phenomenology II
Prospects and synergies between future atmospheric and LBL experiments
M. Maltoni
Neutrino mass hierarchy and Majorana CP phases
J. Garaya-Roca and T. Schwetz
Prospects of measuring theta13 and mass hierarchy via a supernova signal
A. Mirizzi
WG1-WG2: Golden channel I
How to do a $\nu e \rightarrow \nu \mu$ measurement in a MINOS-like Detector
M. Ishitsuka
Systematic effects in MINOS- nuclear and cross section effects
S. Dytman, H. Gallagher and M. Kordosky
Status of MIND
A. Laing and A. Cervera
The Totally Active Scintillator Detector
A. Bross
WG1-WG2: Golden channel II
How to do a $\nu e \rightarrow \nu \mu$ measurement in a SK-like detector
C. Ishihara
Status of INO
A. Raychaudhuri
Impact of systematic uncertainties
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M. Mezzetto
WG1-WG2: Silver and platinum channels
Charm production x-sections
F. Di Capua
Experience from OPERA
A. Cazes
Design and Performance of ECC-MECC
L. Scotto Lavina
Prospects for the Platinum Mode
M. Ishitsuka
WG1-WG3: Nufact and beta beam optimisation
Optimisation of a beta beam
A. Donini and M. Lindroos
Optimisation of a neutrino factory
P. Huber and M. Zisman
WG1: Miscellaneous
Neutrino factory without charge ID
P. Huber
Probing non standard neutrino physics at T2KK and Nufact
S. Uchinami
Can OPERA help constraining neutrino NSI
A. Esteban-Pretel, P. Huber and J.W.F. Valle
Non-standard interactions using the OPERA experiment
M. Blennow
Limit on Non-Standard Interactions from the atmospheric neutrino data
G. Mitsuka
WG2: Nuclear Effects in Neutrino Scattering I
Theory of low energy nuclear effects
T. Leitner, O. Buss, U. Mosel and L. Alvarez-Ruso
Recent update on low energy theory
J. Nieves
Experimental studies of low energy charged current neutrino interactions
J.L. Alcaraz-Aunion
Experimental studies of neutral current pion production at low energy
H. Tanaka
Charged current pi-plus production from the K2K Scibar
L. Whitehead
WG2: Nuclear Effects in Neutrino Scattering II
Nuclear effects at low energy using electrons
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U.k. Yang
Nuclear effects at high energy
J.G. Morfin
WG2: Electroweak Physics
Theoretical motivation for electroweak physics with neutrinos
A. de Gouvea
Future Experiments : NuSong
I. Schienbein
Future Experiments : Project X
R. Petti
WG3-WG4: Proton driver
NF PD: preferred scenarios & remaining issues
C. Prior
Baseline scenario for SB PD, challenges and synergies with other programmes
Baseline scenario for MC PD, challenges and synergies with other programmes
A. Jansson
Towards FFAG proton driver for SB, NF and MC
J. Pasternak
WG3: Capture
Horn vs. solenoid options for NF?
M. Yoshida
Challenges and progress on the SB horn design
M. Dracos
WG3-WG4: Front end
Pros and cons of existing cooling schemes?
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D. Neuffer
Experimental Tests of Cooling: Expectations and Additional Needs
M. Zisman
RF issues for muon ionisation cooling channels
Discussion session joint with WG4: Updates on the front end specification (if any) and endorsement: RF Cavity Breakdown in External Magnetic Field
R. Palmer, R.C. Fernow, J.C. Gallardo, D. Stratakis and D. Li
WG3-WG4: Muon source - End to end simulation - Target I
Can we share a muon source among NF, MC and low energy muon programmes?
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S. Geer
Status of END to END simulation
C. Prior
Pion yields
Status of studies of a solid target for a Neutrino Factory
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R. Edgecock
Study of a water-cooled solid target
S. Brooks
WG3: Beta beams
RCS design
A. Lachaize
Decay ring status / studies
A. Chance
High frequency ECR source (60 GHz) in pre-glow mode for bunching of beta-beam isotopes
T. Thuillier
Direct production of 8Li and 6He using neutrons from low energy deuterons
R&D challenges in FP7
P. Delahaye and U. Köster
WG3: Target II
Particle production vs. energy: how do simulation results match experimental measurements?
M. Bonesini
Can solid target vs. liquid target survive SB and/or NF proton beam structure at 2-4 MW?
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K. Mcdonald
What additional experimental results are needed to make a choice of SB and NF target?
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K. Mcdonald
WG3-WG4: Experience with operating beams for Neutrino experiments
Horn Operational Experience in K2K, MiniBoone, NuMI and CNGS
A. Pardons
Radiation protection lessons
H. Vincke
Delivering high intensity proton beam: lessons for the next beam generations
S. Childress
WG3-WG4: Acceleration
Pros and cons of existing acceleration scheme?
A. Bogacz
FFAG R&D activities in Japan and results from operating facilities
WG4: Muon dipole moments
The Next-generation Muon (g-2) Experiment
B.L. Roberts
Muon electric dipole moment
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K. Kirch
WG4: Detector and Source Developments: Charged Lepton Flavor Violation Experiments
Positron timing and detection in the MEG experiment
R. Valle
R&D of Muon Storage Ring PRISM-FFAG to Improve a Sensitivity of mu-e conv. Experiment Beyond BR~10^{-17}
Plan for Accelerator Beam Study Towards J-PARC Muon Project
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K. Yoshimura
WG4: Muon decay properties
Muon Lifetime Program at PSI
P. Kammel
Muon Decay Parameters (TWIST experiment at TRIUMF,...)
A. Grossheim
The MICE PID Instrumentation
M. Bonesini
WG4: Symmetry tests with muons
LFV: Muon to electron conversion, Mu2e at Fermilab
E. Dukes
LFV: Muon to electron conversion, COMET and PRISM/PRIME at JPARC
LFV: Performance of the LXe Calorimeter for the $\mu\rightarrow e \gamma$ experiment (MEG)
D. Nicolo
Probing Neutrino Parameters with a Two-Baseline Beta-Beam Set-up
S.K. Agarwalla, A. Raychaudhuri and S. Choubey
SPL accumulator and compressor scenarios for NF
Applicability of the formulae of Bardin and Dokuchaeva for the radiative corrections analysis in the NuTeV experiment
A. Akhundov
The Angra Neutrino Project
J. Anjos
Spectral function of argon and calcium
A. Ankowski
Breakdown of the impulse approximation and its consequences
A. Ankowski
R&D activities toward a HPXe TPC (NEXT)
Design and Operational Experience of the MICE Target
C. Booth, P. Hodgson, M. Mohammad, R. Nicholson and P.J. Smith
CP Violation reach of EC beams
C. Espinoza and J. Bernabeu
Alignment Errors on Emittance Measurements for MICE
D. Forrest and P. Soler
Sterile neutrino oscillation at a neutrino factory
K.i. Fuki
The T2K experiment and its time projection chambers
C. Hansen, L. Monfregola and M. Ravonel
Quasi-elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering
N. Jachowicz, C. Praet and J. Ryckebusch
Monte Carlo simulation of the performance of the particle identification (PID) system of the MICE (Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment)
Y.I. Karadzhov
Oscillation probability fits using Near Detector data at a Neutrino Factory
A. Laing and P. Soler
NEXT, a HPXe TPC for neutrinoless double beta decay searches
J. Martin-Albo Simon
Status of the Super-Omega Muon Beamline at J-PARC
K. Nakahara
Resolving oscillation degeneracies with a single neutrino polarity
D. Meloni, O. Mena, C. Orme, S. Pascoli and S. Palomares-Ruiz
Neutrino factory optimization for non-standard interactions
Neutrino-induced one-pion production from nuclei
C. Praet
Matter Profile Effect revisted - Fourier method and others
J. Sato, M. Koike, T. Ota and M. Saito
NuWro - Monte Carlo generator of neutrino interactions
J. Sobczyk
Adapting and testing PAVICOM facility for treatment of OPERA experimental data
A.B. Aleksandrov, M.M. Chernyavsky, V. Galkin, L.A. Goncharova, G.I. Orlova, N.G. Polukhina, P.A. Publichenko, T.M. Roganova, G.P. Sazhina, N.I. Starkov, M.S. Vladymyrov and V.A. Tsarev
The Daya Bay reactor neutrino experiment
L. Whitehead
GLoBES - General Long Baseline Experiment Simulator
P. Huber, J. Kopp, M. Lindner and W. Winter
Signatures of sterile neutrino mixing in high-energy cosmic neutrino flux
O. Yasuda
Recent Progress for Muon Collider
K. Yonehara