Integral08 - (other integral conferences)
8 - 11 September 2008
Copenhagen, Denmark
published July 08, 2009

The workshop is part of a biannual sequence of workshops for the presentation and discussion of high energy astrophysical results of observations with the INTEGRAL satellite as well as from other space missions and ground based observatories.

The theme of this workshop is the physics and characteristics of compact object such as white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes. The phenomena covered are gamma-ray bursts, X-ray bursts, micro-quasar activity, transients of any kind, pulsars, and surveys for the source classification.

In addition there is a number of invited highlight talks that give overviews of other high energy astrophysics fields. For the topics not directly covered by the main theme there are poster sessions that include the nuclear line emission, diffuse emission, and instrument descriptions. The last session is on future gamma-ray missions.

conference main image
Highlights of high energy astrophysics (invited talks)
Gamma ray bursts
Wind sources and cataclysmic variables
Nuclear lines and diffuse emission
Low mass X-ray binaries
Extragalactic sources
High mass X-ray binaries
Supergiant fast X-ray transients
Black holes
Magnetars and anomalous X-ray pulsars
Calibration, instruments and software
Gamma ray astronomy with future missions
Highlights of high energy astrophysics (invited talks)
Gamma-Rays from Positron Annihilation
Gamma Ray Bursts - where are we going?
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R.A.M.J. Wijers
The Evolving TeV field
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M. Ribó
The peak region of the extragalactic background radiation
M. Ajello
Galactic diffuse emission and ridge sources
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M. Revnivtsev
Cosmic ray acceleration in space
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A. Bykov
INTEGRAL Studies of Nucleosynthesis Lines
M. Leising
AGILE and GLAST: New opportunities for GeV astronomy
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M. Tavani
Gamma ray bursts
6 years of bursts with the SPI-ACS
K. Hurley
Spectral properties of INTEGRAL Gamma-Ray Bursts
G. Vianello
Global characteristics of GRBs observed with INTEGRAL and the inferred large population of low-luminosity GRBs
L. Hanlon
Comparative Study of long and short GRBs: clues to the progenitor
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P. Romano
The Supercritical Pile GRB Model: The Prompt to Afterglow Evolution
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D. Kazanas
GRB observed by IBIS/PICsIT in the MeV energy range
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V. Bianchin
Spectral properties of 3 bright gamma-ray bursts observed by INTEGRAL and limits on the level of polarisation.
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L. Hanlon
INTEGRAL detection and follow-up observations of GRBs 080414 and 080603
A. Martin-Carrillo
Characteristics of GRB millisecond-timescale flares at MeV energies - and consequences for constraining the Quantum Gravity Energy Scale
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C. Wunderer
Search for precursor activity in Swift/BAT gamma-ray bursts.
G. Calderone
Multiwavelength observations of two bursts detected by INTEGRAL: GRB 041218 and GRB 041219b
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A.J. Castro-Tirado
Wind sources and cataclysmic variables
Hard X-ray emission from Eta Carinae & other colliding-wind binaries
J.C. Leyder
Hard X-ray emission of cataclysmic variables observed by INTEGRAL
Optical observations of cataclysmic variables discovered by INTEGRAL
M. Pretorius
Saturated Synchrotron Maser in the White-Dwarf Binary AE Aqr
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A. Serber
Nuclear lines and diffuse emission
Restrictions on the injection energy of positrons annihilating near the Galactic center
D. Chernyshov
SPI/INTEGRAL measurement of the Galactic high energy emission
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L. Bouchet
Positron Production and Propagation from the Galactic Center's Supermassive Black Hole
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J. Malzac
Population synthesis models for 26Al production in Orion
Positron Propogation and the INTEGRAL/SPI 511 keV Bulge/Disk Ratio
R.E. Rothschild
Origin of thermal and non-thermal hard X-ray emission from the Galactic center.
V.A. Dogiel
Comprehensive Search for Unpredicted Gamma-ray Lines with INTEGRAL/SPI
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K. Watanabe
Search for variable 511 keV emission with SPI
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S. Tsygankov
Low mass X-ray binaries
On burning regimes and long duration X-ray bursts
INTEGRAL monitoring of unusually long X-ray bursts
J. Chenevez
Bursts detected in hard X-rays by the IBIS telescope onboard the INTEGRAL observatory in 2003-2007
I. Chelovekov
High energy properties of a sample of Neutron Star X-ray binaries with INTEGRAL
M.T. Fiocchi
Using INTEGRAL and RXTE to explore the Spreading Layer of GX 9+9
P. Savolainen
Spectral and temporal study of the Z source GX 340+0.
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E. Virgilli
Increased stability of nuclear burning on neutron stars due to rotation.
X-Ray Burst Monitoring with JEM-X
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S. Brandt
A New Comptonization Model for Weakly Magnetized, Accreting Neutron Stars in Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries
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R. Farinelli
INTEGRAL monitoring of the X-ray burster XTE J1739-285
C. Sanchez-Fernandez
The Hard X-Ray Emission from Scorpius X-1 as Seen by INTEGRAL
S. Sturner
INTEGRAL and RXTE/ASM Observations on IGR J17098-3628
C. Yu-Peng
A relativistically smeared line profile in the spectrum of the bright Z-source GX 340+0
High energy behaviour of Neutron Star Low Mass X-ray binary systems
A. Tarana
INTEGRAL observations of the transient neutron stars SAX J1747.0-2853 and GRS 1747-312
A. Tarana
INTEGRAL long term monitoring of 4U 1722-30: evidence for spectral state variations
A. Tarana
Extragalactic sources
INTEGRAL upper limits on a bright X-ray flare from Sgr A*
Investigations into the origin of the Galactic 511 keV emission with INTEGRAL/SPI
G. Skinner
The contribution of INTEGRAL to blazar science
L. Foschini
AGN population in the deepest hard X-ray extragalactic survey
S. Paltani
Suzaku hard X-ray view of Seyfert galaxies
Y. Fukazawa
Buried AGN among new INTEGRAL hard X-ray sources
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S. Sazonov
Broad Band Properties of the BAT Selected AGN
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R. Mushotzky
High-z radio-loud QSOs observed with INTEGRAL
A. De Rosa
Detection of non-thermal X-ray emission from the Ophiuchus cluster with INTEGRAL
D. Eckert
High Energy Properties of PKS 1830-211
Multi-wavelength studies of the broad line radio galaxies IGR J21247+5058 and 3C 390.3
The efficient low-mass Seyfert MCG-05-23-016
V. Beckmann
The Dichotomy of Seyfert Galaxies at Hardest X-rays
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V. Beckmann
Joint INTEGRAL and AGILE observations of FSRQs
I. Donnarumma
The High-Energy Properties of the Radio-Quiet Quasar H1821+643
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C. Shrader
Non-thermal hard X-ray emission from M87
R. Walter
A 100 Msec INTEGRAL exposure of Bright Infrared Galaxies
R. Walter
Variability of low-luminosity AGNs: a simultaneous X-ray/UV look with Swift
P. Romano
AGN in the Swift/BAT and INTEGRAL Hard X-ray Surveys
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J. Tueller
PKS 0537-286, the high redshift FSRQ, giving new insights into the jet physics
E. Bottacini
Soft and Hard X-ray variability of the Flat Spectrum Radio Quasar 3C 273
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V. Bianchin
XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL broadband spectra of type 2 AGN
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A. De Rosa
Search for Roma-BZCAT Blazars in the Palermo BAT Survey archive
B. Sbarufatti
High mass X-ray binaries
Monitoring the new INTEGRAL HMXB systems constrain stellar winds
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R. Walter
Multi-wavelength observations revealing the most obscured high energy sources
Optical and Infrared characterisation of High Mass X-ray Binaries discovered by INTEGRAL
I. Negueruela
Cyclotron lines in X-ray pulsars - theory meets observations
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G. Schoenherr
The accretion regime of LS 5039: 3-D SPH simulations
A. Okazaki
An INTEGRAL View of the Spectral Energy Distribution of Major Flaring in Cygnus X-3
K. Koljonen
The Missing Population of Be+Black Hole X-Ray Binaries
A. Sadowski
Suzaku Observations of Four Heavily Absorbed HMXBs
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D. Morris
BeX systems as seen by INTEGRAL
Peering through the stellar wind of IGR J19140+0951 using RXTE and INTEGRAL observations
Supergiant fast X-ray transients
Long-term monitoring of supergiant fast x-ray transients
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S. Martinez
IGR J17544-2619 with Suzaku: A Supergiant Fast X-ray Transient in Depth
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D. Smith
Hard fast X-ray transients as possible counterparts of unidentified MeV/TeV sources
V. Sguera
Supergiant fast X-ray transients: observational properties and physical model
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S. Grebenev
Swift monitoring of Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients: the out-of-outburst behaviour and the flares from IGR J17544-2916 and XTE J1739-302
L. Sidoli
Observational properties of candidate supergiant fast X-ray transients
J.A. Zurita Heras
Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients: interpretation of archival INTEGRAL data
INTEGRAL and Swift/XRT observations of the SFXT IGR J16479-4514: from quiescence to fast flaring activity
V. Sguera
Swift and Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients: a novel monitoring approach.
P. Romano
Black holes
Spectral states of black hole binaries
J. Malzac
Probing the Nature of Cygnus X-3's Major Radio Flares with INTEGRAL
M. McCollough
Peculiar nature of hard X-ray eclipse in SS433 from INTEGRAL observations
A. Cherepashchuk
Luminosity dependence of a high energy cutoff in low/hard state of the blackhole candidate GX 339-4 and application to other black hole candidates
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K. Yamaoka
Long term multi-wavelength observations campaign of IGR J17091-3624 and IGR J17098-3628, two transient black hole candidates discovered by INTEGRAL: latest results
F. Capitanio
Surprising Spectral Evolution in LMC X-3 and LMC X-1
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D. Smith
Suzaku-WAM soft gamma-ray all-sky monitor by the earth occultation technique
Is the ejection of the corona a general phenomenom in microquasars?
J. Rodriguez
GRS 1915+105 : High-energy insights with SPI/INTEGRAL
R. Droulans
Monitoring the black hole binary GRS 1758-258 with INTEGRAL and RXTE
K. Pottschmidt
The high-energy emission from GX 339-4 as seen with INTEGRAL and XMM-Newton
M. Caballero-Garcia
Comparing properties of the two microquasar GX 339-4 and 1E 1740.7-2942
M. Delsanto
Magnetars and anomalous X-ray pulsars
Are there magnetars in High Mass X-ray Binaries? The Case of SuperGiant Fast X-Ray Transients
Modelling magnetars' high energy emission through Resonant Cyclotron Scattering
Unravelling the pulsed high-energy emission from AXPs 4U 0142+61 and
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P. Den Hartog
Timing of bright X-ray pulsars with the INTEGRAL observatory:
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A. Lutovinov
Pulsar Temporal Studies with SPI
L. Borgonovo
Accreting millisecond pulsars:
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M. Falanga
Highly structured wind in Vela X-1
I. Kreykenbohm
INTEGRAL detections of two isolated Neutron Stars and their Wind Nebulae
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F. Mattana
Soft gamma-ray characteristics of the schizofrenic pulsar in Kes 75, PSR J1846-0258
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L. Kuiper
A 0535+26 in outburst: magnetospheric instabilities and accretion geometry
I. Caballero
Giant outburst of EXO 2030+375 observed with INTEGRAL : pulse resolved spectral analysis
D. Klochkov
INTEGRAL and RXTE view of Her X-1: towards resolving of the system's puzzles
D. Klochkov
Cyclotron Scattering in X-ray Pulsars: From Resonance Features to Pulse Profiles
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A. Serber
Pulse profile behaviour of the transient Be/X--ray binary A 0535+26
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A. Camero-Arranz
GX 301-2 with INTEGRAL
V. Doroshenko
INTEGRAL observations of the 2007 outburst of the Be transient SAX J2103.5+4545
Pulsar spin measurements during a Type II outburst from GRO J1750-27
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S. Brandt
The pulse-phase-resolved spectroscopy of the Crab pulsar with SPI/INTEGRAL
S. Molkov
Statistical analysis of archival Vela X-1 data
F. Fuerst
Scanning the Egress of Vela X-1
P. Kretschmar
The evolving IBIS/ISGRI sky beyond 100 keV
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P. Ubertini
INTEGRAL Galactic bulge monitoring program
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E. Kuulkers
Observing Compact Galactic Sources in X- and gamma-rays with AGILE
E. Del Monte
The Scutum survey
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A. Camero-Arranz
Deep intermediate polar survey on (20-40) keV INTEGRAL/IBIS mosaics
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M. Kocka
Methods of identification of new X-ray sources with small telescopes in optical band
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M. Kocka
Four megaseconds cut of the Galactic Plane
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R. Krivonos
Multi-wavelength observation and identification of IGR J09026-4812
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J.A. Zurita Heras
Multi-band properties of three unidentified INTEGRAL sources
High energy sources monitored with OMC
D. Risquez
Long term monitoring of Integral sources with Swift/BAT
G. Skinner
Hard X-ray surveys with coded mask telescopes
A. Segreto
Detection of ISGRI sources in 3 years of BAT all sky survey
V. La Parola
Hard X-ray search for unidentified EGRET sources in the BAT survey archive
V. Mangano
New hard X-ray emitters discovered by BAT
G. Cusumano
Search for unidentified TeV sources in the all-sky BAT survey archive
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V. Mangano
The Brera Multi-scale Wavelet Chandra Survey. I. Serendipitous source catalogue
P. Romano
Calibration, instruments and software
The ISDC Data Centre for Astrophysics
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V. Beckmann
The Cherenkov Telescope Array
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R. Walter
ISDA and The INTEGRAL Visualization Tool and Explorer
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P. Kretschmar
Can we improve on the Performance of Coded Mask Instruments?
JEM-X: Six Years in Space
C. Budtz-Jørgensen
Monitoring picsit, the high-energy layer of the ibis imager onboard integral
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L. Foschini
5 years of survey on the Crab Nebula with SPI/INTEGRAL
E. Jourdain
INTEGRAL Cross-calibration Status: Crab observations between 3 keV and 1 MeV
E. Jourdain
Astronomy and Astrophysics for Physicists and the Socratic Learning Method
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H. Bradt
The ECLAIRs telescopes onboard the SVOM gamma-ray missioin
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S. Schanne
Gamma ray astronomy with future missions
The Simbol-X mission
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A. Goldwurm
NuSTAR: the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array
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D. Stern
Concept Study of the EXIST Mission
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G. Fishman
Overview of the Nuclear Compton Telescope
D. Perez-Becker
GRIPS: GRB Investigation via Polarimetry and Spectroscopy
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J. Greiner and R. Diehl