idm2008 - (other idm conferences)
August 18-22, 2008
Stockholm, Sweden
published August 24, 2009

The main topics of the conference are

The conference included both invited and contributed talks as well as a few more specialized sessions and a poster session.

conference main image
Direct detection - experiments
Direct detection - phenomenology
Indirect searches - charged cosmic rays
Indirect searches - gammas
Indirect searches - neutrinos
Indirect detection - phenomenology
Multi-messenger searches
Dark energy / Cosmology
Dark matter cosmology / structure formation
Connections with accelerators
Dark matter phenomenology / theory
Axions - theory and experiment
Neutrino properties
Dark Stars
Background studies for direct detection
Theoretical models and related topics
Poster session
Direct detection - experiments
XMASS experiment
Y. Suzuki
The DMTPC detector
G. Sciolla
First results from DAMA/LIBRA
P. Belli, R. Bernabei, F. Montecchia, F. Nozzoli, F. Cappella, A. D’Angelo, A. Incicchitti, D. Prosperi, R. Cerulli, C.J. Dai, H. He, H.H. Kuang, J.M. Ma, X.D. Sheng and Z.P. Ye
Directional Dark Matter Search with Nuclear Emulsion
T. Naka
Sapphire, BGO and LiF scintillating bolometers developed for dark matter experiments
N. Coron, J. Gironnet, J. Leblanc, P. de Marcillac, T. Redon, E. García, M. Martínez, R.Y. Ortigoza Paredes, A. Ortiz de Solórzano, C. Pobes, J. Puimedón, M.L. Sarsa, L. Torres and J.Á. Villar
Status of the EDELWEISS II experiment
X. Defay
A Direction-Sensitive Dark Matter Search Experiment (NEWAGE)
H. Nishimura
The PICASSO Dark Matter Search Project
A. Davour
Techniques for Head-Tail directional recoil measurements in the DRIFT-II dark matter detector
N. Spooner
EURECA – The Future of Cryogenic Dark Matter Detection in Europe
H. Kraus
The CRESST Dark Matter Search
F. Petricca
The WArP Dark Matter Search
G. Fiorillo
Status and Sensitivity Projections for the XENON100 Dark Matter Experiment
E. Aprile
Direct detection - phenomenology
Determining the WIMP mass from a single direct detection experiment
A. Green
Constraining the Spin-Independent WIMP-Nucleon Coupling from Direct Dark Matter Detection Data
C.L. Shan and M. Drees
Indirect searches - charged cosmic rays
Indirect dark matter search with the balloon-borne PEBS detector (15'+5')
H. Gast, R. Greim, T. Kirn, G. Roper Yearwood and S. Schael
Status of indirect searches in the PAMELA and Fermi era
A. Morselli
Indirect searches - gammas
Dark matter annihilation signals -- the importance of radiative corrections (15'+5')
T. Bringmann
Search for dark matter annihilation signals from dwarf spheroidal galaxies with H.E.S.S. (15'+5')
C. Farnier
Indirect Dark Matter Search with the MAGIC Telescope (20'+5')
A. Biland, M. Rissi, L.S. Stark, M. Doro, S. Lombardi, F. Prada, M. Sanchez-Conde, F. Zandanel and D. Nieto
Indirect Dark Matter searches with Fermi
J. Cohen-Tanugi
Dark Matter Annihilation in the light of EGRET, HEAT, WMAP, INTEGRAL and ROSAT (15'+5')
I. Gebauer
Indirect searches - neutrinos
Search for Dark Matter with the AMANDA and IceCube neutrino detectors
C. De Clercq
The KM3NeT Neutrino Telescope and Prospects for Dark Matter Detection
P. Coyle
Indirect Dark Matter search with the ANTARES neutrino Telescope
J.P. Ernenwein
Indirect detection - phenomenology
Detecting Dark Matter annihilation lines with Fermi
T. Ylinen, Y. Edmonds, E.D. Bloom and J. Conrad
Accurate calculations of the WIMP halo around the Sun and prospects for gamma ray detection
S. Sivertsson and J. Edsjo
Constraining Dark Matter hypothesis through observations of Dwarf Spheroidal galaxies with the Fermi-LAT detector
E. Nuss
Cosmic Gamma-Ray Background Anisotropies and Dark Matter Annihilation
A. Cuoco
Indirect Search for Dark Matter from the Galactic Center with the Fermi Gamma Ray Satellite
V. Vitale
WIMP neutrinos from the Sun and the Earth
M. Blennow, J. Edsjo and T. Ohlsson
Multi-messenger searches
Coordinated multi-wavelength observations of the Dark Mass at the Center of the Milky Way
A. Eckart
Dark energy / Cosmology
A Cosmic Vision Beyond Einstein
E. Linder
Seeing Dark Energy
A. Riess
Dark matter cosmology / structure formation
Remnants of small-scale dark matter clumps
V. Dokuchaev
Lensing Constraints on Dark Matter Substructure in Galaxies
C. Keeton
Red halos and dark baryons
E. Zackrisson, C. Flynn, N. Bergvall, G. Micheva, G. Östlin and B. Caldwell
A dark matter disc in the Milky Way
J. Read
Signatures of the Milky Way's dark disk in current and future experiments
T. Bruch, J. Read, L. Baudis and G. Lake
The search for dark matter via strong lens inversions of galaxy clusters using genetic algorithms
J. Liesenborgs
Measurement of the dark matter velocity anisotropy profile in galaxy clusters
O. Host
Final results from EROS Microlensing search for Massive Compact Halo Objects
M. Moniez
Detecting CDM substructure via gravitational millilensing
T. Riehm, E. Zackrisson, E. Mortsell and K. Wiik
Dark Matter Distributions of the Milky Way Satellites and Implications for Indirect Detection
L. Strigari
Understanding Small-Scale Structure Formation: Are We There Yet?
J. Taylor
Connections with accelerators
Kaluza-Klein Dark Matter: Direct Detection vis-a-vis LHC
S. Arrenberg, L. Baudis, K. Kong, K.T. Matchev and J. Yoo
R-parity conserving SUSY searches in ATLAS
B.K. Gjelsten
Dark matter phenomenology / theory
Dynamics of WIMPs in the Solar System and Implications for Direct and Indirect Detection
A. Peter and S. Tremaine
Axions - theory and experiment
Constraints on chameleons and axions-like particles from the GammeV experiment
J.H. Steffen
Search for solar axions with the CAST experiment
B. Lakic
Dark matter related to axion and axino
J.E. Kim
Tokyo axion helioscope experiment
Y. Inoue
First Results from the Axion Dark Matter eXperiment (ADMX) Upgrade
K. Van Bibber and G. Carosi
Neutrino properties
The GERDA Neutrinoless-Double-Beta decay experiment
B. Majorovits
Three-flavour neutrino oscillation update and comments on possible hints for a non-zero $\theta_{13}$
T. Schwetz-Mangold
Dark Stars
Impacts of WIMP dark matter upon stellar evolution: main-sequence stars
P. Scott, M. Fairbairn and J. Edsjo
Dark Stars: Begynnelsen
P. Gondolo
WIMP annihilation effects on primordial star formation
E. Ripamonti, F. Iocco, A. Bressan, R. Schneider, A. Ferrara and P. Marigo
WIMPs annihilations in Pop III stars
M. Taoso
Dark Stars: Död och Återuppståndelse
D. Spolyar
Background studies for direct detection
ILIAS and the World’s Underground Laboratories
N. Spooner
Limits on Low-Mass WIMP Dark Matter with an Ultra-Low-Energy Germanium Detector at 220 eV Threshold
H.T. Wong
The LVD core facility: a study of LVD as muon veto and active shielding for dark matter experiments
M. Selvi
Background level estimations using Pulse Shape Analysis in Ge experiments
H. Gomez Maluenda
Background from radioactivity in dark matter detectors
V. Tomasello
Measurements and simulations of muon-induced neutrons
V. Kudryavtsev
Studies of the muon-induced neutron background in LSM: detector concept and status of the installation
V. Kozlov
Calculations of background for dark matter searches
V. Kudryavtsev
Theoretical models and related topics
Minimal Dark Matter
M. Cirelli and A. Strumia
Dark Matter and Lepton Flavour Violation in Yukawa Unification with Massive Neutrinos
M.E. Gomez
Gravitino Dark Matter with Sneutrino NLSP in NUHM
Y. Santoso
Superheavy neutralinos as dark matter particles
M. Solberg
Sneutrino as Dark Matter candidate in an inverse see-saw scenario
F. Bazzocchi
Artifact Dark Matter from Unified Brane Gravity
I. Gurwich and A. Davidson
General Relativistic Rotation Curves in a Post-Newtonian Light
A. Rakic and D.J. Schwarz
Poster session
Searching for Galactic Hidden Gas through interstellar scintillation: The OSER project
M. Moniez
Charge identification in PAMELA: preliminary results on light nuclei.
R. Carbone
MICROMEGAS for Rare Event Searches
T. Dafni
7Li solar axions: preliminary results and feasibility studies
Search for solar axions with the CDMS-II experiment
T. Bruch
Search for axions from a nuclear power reactor with a high-purity germanium detector
H.T. Wong and H.M. Chang
Searches for Hyperbolic Extra Dimensions at the LHC
H. Melbeus
Development of wavelength shifters for the ArDM Argon Dark Matter detector
K. Mavrokoridis
Summary of conference (40'+5')
P. Gondolo