MQW7 - (other mqw conferences)
September 1 - 5, 2008
Foca, Izmir, Turkey
published April 15, 2009

This workshop is the seventh of the series of conferences mainly devoted to Galactic black holes. The conference will cover all topics related to relativistic jet sources in the universe including microquasars, neutron stars, active galactic nuclei, and gamma-ray bursts. The results of the analysis of data from high energy missions (RXTE, Chandra, XMM-Newton, INTEGRAL, Swift, Suzaku, Agile) as well as from ground based observatories in the optical, infrared and radio bands will be presented. The emphasis will be on the formation and evolution of jets, and their relation to other accretion components. The broad context of the workshop will also allow researchers to present their results on the comparisons between microquasars, neutron stars, ultraluminous X-ray sources, active galactic nuclei and gamma-ray bursts.

The workshop also intends to include presentations on recent missions (e.g. GLAST, ASTROSAT) and missions in preparation e.g. IXO concentrating on the prospects of black hole research with those missions. The program will be organized in sessions centered around a limited number of invited reviews, with contributed presentations and ample time for discussion. Young researchers will be encouraged to contribute.

conference main image
Accretion Geometry and Spectral States I
Multiwavelength view of Microquasars I
Timing I
Neutron stars as jet sources
Very high energy view – MeV – TeV
Jets on all scales
Multi wavelength observations II
Understanding Disks and Jets through Hydrodynamical Simulations
SS 443 and the ULX connection
Spectral and timing analysis of jet sources
Accretion Geometry and Spectral States I
Hard (State) Problems
J. Tomsick
X-ray spectral states of microquasars
J. Malzac and R. Belmont
A global study of X-ray binaries
R. Dunn, R. Fender, E. Körding, C. Cabanac and T. Belloni
Evolution of the disc radii during outburst of X-ray binaries as infered from thermal emission.
C. Cabanac, R. Fender, E. Koerding and R. Dunn
Soft X-ray components in the hard state of accreting black holes
C. D'Angelo, D. Giannios, H. Spruit and C. Dullemond
Multiwavelength view of Microquasars I
Unifying disc-jet behaviour in X-ray binaries: an optical/IR approach
D.M. Russell, D. Maitra, R. Fender and F. Lewis
Two fascinating X-ray to optical cross-correlation functions
M. Durant and P. Gandhi
Timing I
P. Varniere
Probing the disc-corona connection in accreting black holes
T. Wilkinson and P. Uttley
Neutron stars as jet sources
Jet formation in the Z-track sources based on RXTE observations
M. Church
The disk-jet coupling in Aql X-1
V.M. Tudose
Very high energy view – MeV – TeV
High and Very High Energy Gamma-ray Emission from Binaries
G. Dubus
GLAST: Launched and Being Commissioned - Status and Prospects for Microquasars
R. Dubois
Hadronic models of high-energy radiation from microquasars: recent developments
G.E. Romero
The nature of LS 5039 under the scrutiny of gamma-rays
D.F. Torres
Exploring the powering source of the TeV X-ray binary LS 5039
J. Moldón, M. Ribó, J.M. Paredes, J. Martí and M. Massi
Jets on all scales
Connections from supermassive black holes to white dwarfs
E. Körding
Disk-jet theoretical spectral energy distributions of microquasars
C. Foellmi, P.O. Petrucci, J. Ferreira and G. Henri
Steadily becoming unsteady: Towards a time-dependent jet model for X-ray binaries
D. Maitra and S. Markoff
Internal Shocks Model for Microquasar Jets
O. Jamil, R. Fender and C.R. Kaiser
Multi-Satellite Observations of Cygnus X-1
M. Hanke, J. Wilms, M.A. Nowak, N.S. Schulz, K. Pottschmidt, J. Lee and M. Boeck
Suzaku Observations of Cyg X-1
M.A. Nowak
Multi wavelength observations II
Longterm multi-frequency monitoring of microquasars
S.A. Trushkin
Nearinfrared observation of GRS 1915+105 in the soft state
A. Akira
Multi-wavelength monitoring of the microquasar GRS 1915+105
F. Rahoui, S. Chaty, J. Rodriguez, Y. Fuchs and I.F. Mirabel
Broad-band parallel studies of Cygnus X-1 and GRS 1915+105
M. Cadolle Bel, J. Rodriguez, D. Hannikainen, S. Shaw, J. Malzac, M. Tagger, P. Varniere and B. Lehnert
The puzzling source SWIFT J1955+2604
A.J. Castro-Tirado
Understanding Disks and Jets through Hydrodynamical Simulations
Jet Formation in MHD Simulations
C. Fragile
Simulating the role of acceleration and radiation processes in X-ray binaries.
R. Belmont, J. Malzac and A. Marcowith
Hydrodynamic simulations of outburst events in accretion discs in close binaries
G. Lanzafame
Jet environments
J.C.A. Miller-Jones
Microquasar's interaction with the surrounding medium
P. Bordas, V. Bosh-Ramon, J.M. Paredes and M. Perucho
X-ray jets from the X-ray binary Cir X-1
P. Soleri, S. Heinz, R. Fender, R. Wijnands, V.M. Tudose, D. Altamirano, P.G. Jonker, M. van der Klis, L. Kuiper, C.R. Kaiser and P. Casella
Cygnus X-3's "Little" Friend
M. McCollough
SS 443 and the ULX connection
SS433 as ultraluminous UV source. Comparison with ULXs
S.N. Fabrika and O. Sholukhova
Spectral and timing analysis of jet sources
Next generation radio facilities
R. Fender
Looking to the future: using IR interferometry to study microquasars
S. Markoff
Variations in the dip properties of the LMXB XB 1254-69 observed with XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL
M. Diaz Trigo, A. Parmar, L. Boirin, C. Motch, A. Talavera and S. Balman
The X-ray and radio states of Cyg X-3 - classification and long-term correlations
A. Szostek, A. Zdziarski and M. McCollough
Low/hard state at the lowest luminosities
T. Dincer, E. Kalemci, J. Tomsick and M. Buxton
The hard X-ray spectral evolution in X-ray binaries and ULXs
Q. Wu and M. Gu
AML by magnetic breaking and gravitational radiation in relativistic binaries
K. Yakut, B. Kalomeni and C.A. Tout
cosmological evolution of the FRII source population
Y. Wang
Monitoring LMXBs with the Faulkes Telescope
F. Lewis, D.M. Russell, R. Fender, P. Roche and J.S. Clark
Interactions between jets and massive stars in microquasars
V. Bosh-Ramon
Simulations of SS433 jets at super-Eddington luminosities
The Missing Population of Be+Black Hole X-Ray Binaries
J. Ziolkowski
Dynamics of the twisted magnetic flux-tube in the astrophysical jets
E. Devlen
Evidences of the funnel radiation in X-ray spectra of SS433
A. Medvedev and S.N. Fabrika
Young Black Holes Accreting From Fallback Disks
Y.K. Ekşi
Adjustment of Pointing & Tracking System of ERT-5 and Results of Some Bright Source Observations
I. Yusifov and I. Kucuk
Long term multi-wave length observations campaign of IGR J17091-3624 and IGR J17098-3628, two transient black hole candidate discovered by INTEGRAL.
F. Capitanio
Self-Gravitating Warped Disks Around Black Holes
A. Ulubay-Siddiki
The comparison of the relativistic iron line models
J. Svoboda
On the nature of discrete radio ejection events in microquasars
L. Prat and J. Rodriguez
P. Luque-Escamilla, J. Martí, J.A. Combi, J.F. Albacete-Colombo, J. Sanchez-Sutil and A. Munoz- Arjonilla
Catching up on state transitions in Cygnus X-1
J. Wilms, M. Boeck, S. Markoff, K. Pottschmidt, M.A. Nowak, G.G. Pooley, S. Pirner, V. Grinberg and M. Hanke
Modelling a simultaneous radio/X-ray flare from Cyg X-1
K. Leventis, S. Markoff, J. Wilms, M.A. Nowak, D. Maitra, K. Pottschmidt, G.G. Pooley, I. Kreykenbohm and R.E. Rothschild
Spectral state transitions in GX 339-4
M. Delsanto
How does the GRS1915+105 plateau state compare to the canonical hard state?
P. van Oers
Hydrodynamic Simulations of the SS433-W50 Complex
P. Goodall, F. Alouani Bibi and K.M. Blundell
UKIRT Near-IR Spectroscopy of SS433
S. Perez
Black hole spin estimation
O. Straub
Timing analysis of 10-day long BeppoSAX observation of GRS 1915+105 in its $\rho$ class
E. Massaro, G. Ventura, F. Massa, T. Mineo, G. Cusumano, P. Casella, T. Belloni and M. Feroci
3D numerical simulations of the Rossby wave instability
H. Meheut, F. Casse, P. Varniere and M. Tagger
Soft X-ray emission from the Low Mass X-ray Binary Cyg X-2
H. Shirai
Low/Hard State Spectra of Neutron Star X-ray Binary 4U 1700+24 Observed with Suzaku
O. Nagae
Circumbinary Disks
S. Doolin and K.M. Blundell
Spectral characteristics during dip in Cyg X-1
K. Sudoh
The compact radio counterpart of IGR J20187+4041 near the flaring source AGL 2021+4029 and 3EG J2020+4017
Z. Paragi, A. Trejo Cruz, E. Giacani, G. Dubner, A. Bykov and H.J. van Langevelde
Suzaku observations of SS 433 in the 2006 April multi-wavelength campaign
K. Kubota, Y. Ueda, T. Kotani, N. Kawai, M. Namiki, K. Kinugasa, S. Ozaki, I. Takashi and S.N. Fabrika
LOBSTER – X-ray astrophysical facility
R. Hudec
Long-term activity and outburst of the microquasar CI Cam (XTE J0421+560)
V. Simon
Multi frequency radio observations of Cygnus X-3 during the giant flare of May-June 2006
S. Pal, C.H. Ishwara-Chandra and A. Pramesh Rao
Mass and Velocity Dispersion Relations for Supermassive Black Holes in Galactic Bulges
Long-term optical activity of the microquasar V4641 Sgr
V. Simon
Indirect detection of GRBs by ionospheric response
R. Hudec
ESA Gaia and microquasars
R. Hudec
Astronomical plate archives as astrophysical facility and tool to study microquasars
R. Hudec
Optical polarisation of the black hole candidate AO620-00: clues on the geometry in quiescence
G. Dubus, B.D. Kern, S. Chaty and C. Foellmi
Influence of the stellar-mass-ratio and local thermodynamics on accretion disc in close binaries
G. Lanzafame
A Variability Based Classification for Microquasars
P. Varniere
A possible origin for the type of LFQPO in microquasars
P. Varniere