12-15 June 2007
Kerastari, Tripolis, Greece
published August 07, 2008
Exotic and transient astrophysical phenomena reveal the violent and capricious nature of the universe. Wide-field and all-sky monitoring in the X-ray, gamma-ray, and more recently optical, bands has already led to a wealth of discoveries such as pulsars and gamma-ray bursts which probe extreme realms of physics and yet were not anticipated prior to their discovery. Radio astronomy, traditionally a high-angular-resolution, arrow-field enterprise, is entering a period of renaissance on the road to the square kilometre array (SKA), in which several different routes to wide-field or even all-sky monitoring in this band will be achieved for the first time. Coupled with this, the past few years have seen the discovery of new classes of radio transient, such as the RRATs and the Galactic Centre Radio Transient. This workshop will, for the first time, combine the astrophysics of rapid radio variability with the techniques of wide-field transient searches, in anticipation of an exciting decade ahead of us.
conference main image
Introductions and General
Stellar Phenomena
Neutron Stars & Friends
Explosive Phenomena and Jets
Scintillation & Propagation
Transients Surveys, New Facilities, & New Techniques
Introductions and General
Welcome by the Mayor of Valtetsi
N. Papanikolau
Opening address
J.G. Siambis
Poem about Kerastari (in English & Greek)
Workshop Photograph
J.H. Seiradakis
Stellar Phenomena
Transient Emissions from Radio-Active Stars
Ultracool Dwarfs: A New Class of Pulsar
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G. Hallinan
Predictions for Radio Emission from Extrasolar Planets
H. Spreeuw, J.M. Griessmeier and P. Zarka
Neutron Stars & Friends
RRATs and Intermittent Pulsars
A New Model for the Beams of Radio Pulsars
A. Karastergiou and S. Johnston
Pulsar Glitch Substructure & The Pulsar EOS
Pulsar Magnetospheres and Emission
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A. Spitkovsky
A Bursting Radio Transient in the Direction of the Galactic Center
P. Ray, S.D. Hyman, J. Lazio, N.E. Kassim, S. Roy, D. Chakrabarty and D.L. Kaplan
New Results on Emission from the GCRT
S. Roy, S.D. Hyman, S. Pal, J. Lazio, P. Ray, N.E. Kassim and S. Bhatnagar
Explosive Phenomena and Jets
Particle Acceleration in Relativistic Flows
Low-frequency Radio Observations of Galactic Microquasars
J.C.A. Miller-Jones, A.D. Kapinska, K.M. Blundell, B. Stappers and R. Braun
Predicting Radio Activity in X-ray Binaries with Optical/Infrared Monitoring
D.M. Russell and R. Fender
Low Frequency Constraints on Weakly Accreting Black Hole Jets
S. Markoff
Long-term Radio Behaviour of the X-ray Binary Circinus X-1
V.M. Tudose
An X-ray Study of the Disc in GX339-4
R. Dunn, R. Fender and E. Körding
Adaptive e-VLBI observations of radio emitting X-ray binaries
A. Rushton and R.E. Spencer
High resolution imaging of possible microquasar
M.P. Pommier
Scintillation & Propagation
Scintillation Surveys, Serendipitous, Systematic and MASIV
D.L. Jauncey
Milliarcsecond Structure of Microarcsecond Sources
Interstellar scintillation of the water masers of NGC 3079
H.E. Bignall and W.H.T. Vlemmings
Observations of IDV Sources with the Effelsberg and Urumqi Telescopes
N. Marchili and K. Gabányi
Monitoring the scintillating blazar PMN J1326-5256
A Newly Discovered Highly Variable IDV Source
K. Gabányi, N. Marchili, T.P. Krichbaum, L. Fuhrmann, S. Britzen, A. Witzel, A. Zensus, X. Liu, S. Huagang and J. Han
Limits on the Detection of Transients Imposed by Scattering
J.P. Macquart
Transients Surveys, New Facilities, & New Techniques
Wide Field Surveys for Transients at Centimeter Wavelengths
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G.C. Bower
The 1 Jy Class Radio Rransients in Nasu 1.4 GHz Wide-Field Survey
M. Nobuo and K. Niinuma
Searching for Variable Sources in the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey
D. Del Rizzo, S. Dougherty, A. Russ Taylor and A.D. Gray
Targeting Transient Phenomena with e-VLBI
Z. Paragi, H.J. van Langevelde and A. Szomoru
Australian e-VLBI
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T. Tzioumis
Data Mining INTEGRAL
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S. Scaringi
Transient Science with the MWA
R. Cappallo
LOFAR Transients and the Radio Sky Monitor
The Radio Transient Sky and the LWA
Light-Curve Monitoring with the MWA
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J. Kasper
Early Results from a Transient Survey with LOFAR-CS1
A transient detection and monitoring pipeline for LOFAR
J.D. Swinbank
Innovative SETI by the KLT
C. Maccone
Flux density spectrum of the magnetar AXP J1810-197
K. Lazaridis
GLAST Launch Status, Microquasars, Multiwavelength Opportunities and Public Access to Data
Radio Emission as a Tracer of the Accretion Rate
E. Körding
Simultaneous X-ray/Radio Observations of Cir X-1
P. Soleri, V.M. Tudose, R. Fender and M. van der Klis
Identification of Black Hole Power Spectral Components Across All Canonical States
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M. Klein-Wolt
Is There a Connection Between Radio Transients and Very-Faint X-ray Transients?
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R. Wijnands
Optical/near-IR Detection and Monitoring of LOFAR Transients using SMARTS
D. Maitra and C. Bailyn