Nuclei in the Cosmos is the most important international meeting in the field of nuclear astrophysics. It brings together nuclear experimentalists, nuclear theorists, astronomers, theoretical astrophysicists, cosmochemists, and others interested in the scientific questions at the interface of nuclear physics and astrophysics. These questions concern, for example, the origin of the elements in the cosmos and the nuclear reactions that occur in the big bang, in stars, and in stellar explosions.
Past meetings have been held in Geneva - Switzerland 2006, Vancouver - Canada (2004), Fuji-Yoshida - Japan (2002), Aarhus - Denmark (2000), Volos - Greece (1998), Notre Dame - USA (1996), Gran Sasso - Italy (1994), Karlsruhe - Germany (1992), Baden bei Wien - Austria (1990).
Session 1: Big Bang |
Overview of the Li problem in metal-poor stars and new results on 6Li
Session 2: First Stars |
The Lowest Metallicity Stars from SDSS/SEGUE
Population III Supernovae and Early Chemical Enrichment of the IGM
Cosmic Chemical Evolution
Session 3: Stars |
Direct measurements in nuclear astrophysics with stable beams
Toward ab initio calculations of astrophysical reaction rates
Discussion of input data and possible results for the 12C(a,g)16O problem.
Recent experiments done at LUNA
Measurements of stellar and explosive nuclear astrophysics reactions
Session 4: Stars and Signatures |
Progress and Prospects in Gamma Ray Line Astrophysics
Presolar Stardust In The Solar System: Recent Advances for Nuclear Astrophysics
The impact of the 18F(a,p)21Ne reaction on fluorine production in asymptotic giant branch stars
Recent measurements of the 12C + 12C fusion cross section near the Gamow energy by g-ray and charged-particle spectroscopy.
Session 5: Core Collapse Supernovae I |
The Impact of Nuclear Physics during Stellar Core Collapse
Gamow-Teller Transitions Starting from Stable and Unstable pf-shell Nuclei
Session 6: Core Collapse Supernovae II |
Spatial Distribution of Nucleosynthesis Products in Cassiopeia A: Comparison Between Observations and 3D Explosion Models
Iron and nickel isotopic compositions of presolar SiC grains from supernovae
Supernova Mixing to Reproduce Isotopic Ratios of Presolar Grains
Nucleosynthesis simulations for a wide range of nuclear production sites from NuGrid
Abundances in Galactic Bulge Dwarfs and the Origin of the Elements in the Bulge
Session 7: r-process I |
Observing nucleosynthetic signatures in the oldest Galactic halo stars
Recent Progress in the Understanding of the r-Process
?-decay studies of r-process nuclei at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory
Nuclear masses in astrophysics
Session 8: r-process II |
Consistent approach to weak interaction rates based on the relativistic QRPA
Chemical Evolution in the Early Galaxy & Abundances in Metal-Poor Stars
Session 9: s-process I |
Neutron reactions in massive stars and the origin of 60Fe
Models and observations of the s process in AGB stars
Session 10: s-process II |
Transfer reactions as tool for nuclear astrophysics: the 13C(a,n)16O case
The 22Ne(a,n)25Mg neutron source: latest experimental results and prospects.
The hydrodynamic environment of the s-process in the He-shell flash of AGB stars
High-Resolution Neutron Capture and Total Cross-Section Measurements, and the Astrophysical 95Mo(n,g) Reaction Rate at s-process Temperatures
Magnetically-driven Cool Bottom Processing
Session 11: p-process |
Experiments on photon-induced reactions for p-process nucleosynthesis
Mass Measurements of Proton-Rich Isotopes in the Vicinity of 92Ru and 93Rh for 'nu'p-process Models
Photodisintegration of the p-nuclei 92Mo and 144Sm in the astrophysically relevant energy window
Determination of a-nucleus potentials by elastic scattering on p-nuclei.
Session 12: Type Ia Supernovae |
Type Ia Supernovae
Secondary Fe-peak nuclei in the Tycho Supernova Remnant
Chemodynamical Simulations of Galaxies and the Universe
Session 13: Neutrinos. Novae. |
Nucleosynthetic imprints from classical nova explosions: past to present
Breakup of proton-rich nuclei 23Al, 24Si, 22Mg, 21Na at intermediate energies for reaction rates in explosive H-burning in novae
The 26mAl(p,g)27Si Reaction Rate in ONe Novae
The lowest l = 0 proton-resonance in 26Si and implications for the rp-process nucleosynthesis of 26Al
Session 14: Novae II |
Indirect measurements of astrophysical reaction rates
Low Energy Measurement of the 18F(p,a)15O Cross Section at TRIUMF
First Direct Measurement of the 17F(p,g)18Ne Cross Section
Session 15: X-ray bursts |
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Crust of Accreting Neutron Stars
First measurement of the 31P(3He,t)31S reaction: a study of the thermonuclear 30P(p,g)31S reaction rate
Alpha decay of 109I and the implications for the rapid-proton capture process
Session 16: Neutron Stars |
The Pervasive Role of the Nuclear Symmetry Energy in the Structure and Evolution of Neutron Stars
Poster session 1: AGB Stars |
Neutron-spectroscopic factors for low-lying 16N levels and the 15N(n,gamma)16N reaction rate
Spectral analyses of three carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars
A holistic approach to carbon-rich metal-poor stars
Oxygen and Light Element Synthesis by Neutron-Capture Reactions in Metal-Free and Extremely Metal-Poor AGB Stars
Complete nucleosynthesis calculations for low-mass stars from NuGrid
Probing Nucleosynthesis in the Early Galaxy: The Chemical Composition of a Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor Star with Enhanced Fluorine
Poster Session 2: s Process |
Neutron capture reaction on Lu isotopes at DANCE
Probing astrophysical reaction-rate calculations in photoneutron experiments
Au(n,gamma) - the making of a new standard
K-Isomers in odd-odd nuclei on the s-process path: 176Lu, 180Ta, and 186Re
NuGrid: s process in massive stars
The s process around 151Sm
A shell model method for weak interaction rates in heavy, deformed nuclei
Measurements of the 90,91,92,93,94,96Zr neutron capture cross-section at n_TOF facility
Rubidium, zirconium, and lithium production in massive AGB stars
Nuclear Astrophysics with Tagged Photons
New Neutron-Induced Cross Section Measurements for Weak s Process Studies
Poster Session 3: p Process |
Are there only 30 p nuclides
Measurements of alpha capture on 113In reactions relevant to the astrophysical p process
Empirical Solar Abundance Scalings of Supernova Gamma-Process Isotopes
Half-life measurements of neutron-deficient isotopes using laser Compton scattering Gamma-rays at NewSUBARU
First experimental (n, gamma) cross sections of heavy p-process nuclei.
Proton Induced Reactions on the p-nucleus 120Te
Proton capture on 64Zn, 66Zn, and 67Zn between 1 and 3 MeV
Poster Session 4: Core Collapse Supernovae |
Penetration of Supernova Ejecta in the Solar System
The formation of the neutrino driven wind termination shock in spherically symmetric core collapse simulations
Nucleosynthesis from Supernovae as a Function of Explosion Energy from NuGrid
Nucleosynthesis in Jets from A Collapsar before The Formation of A Black Hole
Studying matrix elements for the neutrinoless double beta decay of 150Nd via the 150Sm(t,3He)150Pm* and 150Nd(3He,t)150Pm* reactions
Studying Electron-Capture on 64Zn in Supernovae with the (t,3He) Charge-Exchange Reaction
Trends in 56Ni and 44Ti Synthesis in Core-Collapse Supernovae from NuGrid
Untangling supernova-neutrino oscillations with beta-beam data
Nuclear Many-Body Approach for Supernova EOS: Thomas-Fermi Calculations of Non-Uniform Nuclear Matter
Neutrino oscillations in non-spherical supernova explosions
Supernova Tsunami: Cosmic Core-Collapse Explosions in Upcoming Sky Surveys
Ti44 and Ni56 in core-collapse supernovae
Atomic charge exchange between semi-relativistic ( v/c = 0.49 ) helium ions and targets from carbon to lead.
The equation of state of supernova matter
Neutrino Emission from Stellar Collapse including Hadron-Quark Mixed Phase
Charge-exchange nuclear reactions at NSCL using radioactive beams : Development of the LENDA low energy neutron detector array
Nucleosynthetic Yields from Gamma-Ray Bursts
Short neutrino burst from failed supernovae as a probe of dense matter with hyperon mixture
Neutrino Nucleus Reactions and Nucleosynthesis in Stars
Proton Rich Nuclear Statistical Equilibrium
nu-Process in Population III Core-Collapse Supernovae
Neutrino transport in 3D simulations of core-collapse supernovae
Poster Session 5: r Process |
Neutrino-driven winds and nucleosynthesis
Effects of Beta-Decays of Excited-State Nuclei on the Astrophysical r-Process
Parity Dependent Shell Model Level Densities for Nuclear Astrophysics
Determination of astrophysical nuclear reaction rates using light neutron-rich RNBs
Neutron single particle structure in 131Sn and the r-process
12B(n,g) : the influence on r-process nucleosynthesis of light elements
Hauser-Feshbach reaction rates with parity-dependent level densities
The Versatile Array of Neutron Detectors at Low Energy (VANDLE)
r-process Nucleosynthesis in Supernovae
Neutron Transfer Measurements on Neutron-rich N=82 Nuclei
Towards r-process nucleosynthesis calculations with complete nuclear physics input
Nucleosynthesis in the Neutrino Driven Wind of Protoneutron Stars
Nuclear structure and stellar weak interaction rates of nuclei
Experimental Study of Photonuclear Reactions of Light Nuclei with NewSUBARU Gamma-ray Beam
r-Process Nucleosynthesis in Black Hole - Neutron Star Mergers
Precision Mass Measurements of Heavy 252Cf Fission Fragments Near the r-process Path
Poster Session 6: Novae and Type Ia Supernovae |
Astrophysically important 19Ne states studied with the 2H(18F, alpha+15O)n Reaction
Study of astrophysically important states in 26Si with the p(25Al,p)25Al elastic scattering
NuGrid: Nuclear Burning in 3-D Double Degenerate Merger Simulations
The Adaptive QSE-Reduced Nuclear Reaction Network for Silicon Burning
An analysis of 25Al energy levels observed in the 28Si(p, ·)25Al reaction
Study of Astrophysically Important Resonant States in 30S by the 32S(p,t)30S Reaction
Beta-delayed p-decay of proton-rich nuclei 23Al and 31Cl and explosive H-burning in classical novae
Measurement of 23Mg+p resonance energies
Poster Session 7: X-ray Bursts |
Beta-Decay Study of the rp-Process Nucleus 96Cd
Threshold behaviour of effective potential for 6,7Li+58,64Ni around the Coulomb barrier
Spin assignments of 22Mg states through a 24Mg(p,t)22Mg measurement
Astrophysical (alpha,p) cross section technique and 30S RIB Development
beta-endpoint energy of nuclides in the 100Sn region at NSCL
The rp-process in Type-I X-ray Bursts with REACLIB V1
Beta-decay studies of N=Z nuclides at NSCL
Improved Mass Measurements of Nuclei Around N=Z=34
Sensitivity of X-Ray Burst Models to Uncertainties in Nuclear Processes
Beta-Decay Half Life of 84Mo
Poster Session 8: Neutron Stars |
Bulk viscosity of strange matter and r-modes in neutron stars
Reaction Rates for Dense Matter Burning
Time-of-Flight Mass Measurements of Neutron Rich Nuclides
Thermal properties of Non-rotating and Rotating Neutron Stars
Symmetry energy at subnuclear densities and nuclei in a neutron-star crust
Physical Essential of Ultra Strong magnetic fields and activity of Magnetars
The Nuclear Physics of the Neutron Star Crust
Variational Calculations of Nuclear Matter with Approximate Energy Expression
Poster Session 9: Stars |
The cosmic origin of carbon and manganese
Studying Stars in the Laboratory: Performing Nuclear Astrophysics Experiments at the National Ignition Facility
Structural and kinematic parameters of the two halo components of the Milky Way
AZURE, An R-Matrix computer code
Nucleosynthetic Constraints on the Progenitor of Cassiopeia A
Study of 74As decay in different host materials
Self-Enrichment of Merging Stellar Clusters
[alpha/Fe] Patterns of Galactic Halo Stars
Dynamical Electron Screening in Radioactive Decays
Evolutionary Tracks for Betelgeuse
Poster Session 10: Big Bang and Early Stars |
Study of the 10B(p,a)7Be reaction through the Trojan Horse Method
On the Correlation between Abundances and Column Density
Neutrino effect in cosmology with the primordial magnetic field
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and the Key Questions in Big Bang Cosmology
New Metallicity Independent Constraints of Galactic Infall From Deuterium Observations
Refined Estimates of [Fe/H] and [C/Fe] in Metal-Poor Stars
Rate of the 8Li(n,gamma)9Li reaction from the Coulomb dissociation of 9Li
A Strong Constraint on the Neutrino Mass from the Formation of Large Scale Structure in the Presence of the Primordial Magnetic Field