The following topics will be addressed:
Proceedings index |
How can we explore the onset of deconfinement by experiment
The Effect of Dynamical Parton Recombination on Event-by-Event Observables
Signals of a first order phase transition
Do we know eventually p (T,mu)
What we have learned so far from 3-fluid hydrodynamics
"The effects of angular momentum conservation in relativistic heavy ion collisions"
Hydrodynamic modeling of the deconfinement phase transition and explosive hadronization
Rapidity Variation of Thermal Parameters
Fluctuations in Statistical Models
v_2 fluctuations in statistical models /// Fluctuation of the initial condition from Glauber models
What are the degrees of freedom in the partonic fluid at RHIC ?
Energy and System-Size Dependence of Long-Range Multiplicity Correlations from the STAR Experiment.
Azimuthal HBT and transverse momentum fluctuations from CERES
Quark-gluon plasma paradox
Dynamical Study of Fluctuations in Relativistic Nuclear Collisions
Event-by-event transverse momentum fluctuations in nuclear collisions at CERN SPS.
Energy, Rapidity and Transverse Momentum Dependence of Multiplicity Fluctuations in Heavy Ion Collisions at CERN SPS /// Energy and system size dependence of multiplicity fluctuations in nucleus-nucleus collisions at CERN SPS Energies
Recent results on (anti)nucleus and (anti)hyperon production in nucleus-nucleus collisions at CERN SPS energies
Collapse and Reappearance of Flow
Recent lattice results on finite temperature and density QCD, part I
Resent QCD results
Exploring the QCD phase diagram
Chiral phase transition in the presence of spinodal decomposition
The critical structure of the QCD medium
Dilepton measurements with NA60
Dilepton measurements with CERES
Dilepton measurements with HADES
In-medium effects and dilepton emission in heavy-ion collisions at SIS energies
Measurements of dilepton continuum at the PHENIX experiment at RHIC
Light vector mesons in PHENIX
Medium modifications of meson masses
Dileptons, hadronic resonances and chiral symmetry -- established connections and missing links
How do diquark fluctuations and chiral soft modes affect di-lepton production quasi-particle picture in the deconfined phase
Charmed signatures for phase transitions in heavy-ion collisions
Screening at finite temperature and density
Statistical hadronization of charm quarks in ultra-relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions
Monte Carlo study of phase transition in relativistic heavy ion collisions
Centrality dependance of K/pi fluctuations
Bose-Einstein Condensation of Pions in High Multiplicity Events
Pion freeze-out as seen through HBT correlations in HICs from FAIR/AGS to RHIC energies
A test of statistical hadronization with exclusive rates in ppbar
RHIC Low-Energy Operations and Plans
Critical behaviors in multiplicity flucuations at RHIC-PHENIX
NA61/NA49 future
The CBM experiment at FAIR
The NICA/MPD Project at JINR (Dubna)
The high density equation of state: constraints from accelerators
Softening of the equation of state of matter at large densities and temperatures: chiral symmetry restoration vs. quark deconfinement
Signals of the QCD phase transition from the Heavens