October 19-21, 2006
Brussels, Belgium
published August 08, 2007

The International Solvay Institutes for Physics and Chemistry, founded by Ernest Solvay, are an independent non-profit institution whose mission is to support first class fundamental research at the international level in physics, chemistry and related areas. Besides the renowned Solvay conferences, the Institutes have launched in 2004 a workshop program on topical questions at the frontiers of science.

The workshop "Bethe Ansatz: 75 Years Later" took place on October 19-21 2006 in Brussels, Belgium. It was devoted to different topics and developments in the field that grew out of the famous paper by Hans Bethe of 1931. Most represented were technical problems in the counting the solutions of Bethe equations for the XYZ model, approaches to the construction of correlation functions, and modern application to the AdS/CFT duality. In particular, very strong indications of the exact solvability of the N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory were provided.

Editorial Board
Ludwig Faddeev, Marc Henneaux, Rinat Kashaev, Franklin Lambert, Alexander Volkov (chairman)

conference main image
Hans Bethe
proceedings index
Hans Bethe
Hans Bethe on the occasion of his 100th bitrhday
R. Brout
proceedings index
Functional relations in the eight - vertex model
V. Bazhanov
The S-Matrix of AdS/CFT and Yangian Symmetry
N. Beisert
An Elliptic Current Operator for the Eight Vertex Model
K. Fabricius
Yang-Baxter Equation and Quantum Information
M.L. Ge
Classical Limit of the Bethe Ansatz for Stringy Sigma Models
V. Kazakov
XXX Spin Chain: from Bethe Solution to Open Problems
V. Korepin
Transcendentality Property of N=4 Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
L. Lipatov
Correlation Functions of Heisenberg Spin Chains : the Algebraic Bethe Ansatz Approach
J.M. Maillet
The 6-Vertex Model with Fixed Boundary Conditions
N. Reshetikhin
Enlarged Symmetries of Spin Chains and Loop Models
H. Saleur
Q-oscillator and correlation functions for XXZ model
F. Smirnov
Integrable Boundary Interactions
A. Zamolodchikov
Bethe Ansatz in Stringy Sigma-Models
K. Zarembo