October 5-6, 2006
Catania, Italy
published March 05, 2007

The conference will celebrate the centennial of the birth of one of the most important physicists of the XX century. Starting from the original papers, the main focus of the conference will be on Majorana's legacy and contemporary Physics.

Editorial Board
Paolo Castorina, Francesco Catara, Salvatore Lo Nigro, Emilio Migneco, Francesco Porto, Andrea Rapisarda (chairman), Emanuele Rimini

conference main image
proceedings index
A. Rapisarda, P. Castorina, F. Catara, E. Migneco, S. Lo Nigro, F. Porto and E. Rimini
proceedings index
From the Majorana theory of "Incomplete P' triplets" to Feshbach resonances
A. Bianconi
The story of Majorana’s exchange force
D. Brink
Neutrino oscillations
N. Cabibbo
Majorana and the infinite component wave equations
R. Casalbuoni
E.Majorana as a Guide in Quirino Majorana's Experiments. Original letters and documents on an experimental and theoretical collaboration
E. Majorana researcher and teacher: the latest achievements
S. Esposito
Neutrinos: Dirac or Majorana?
E. Fiorini
Majorana "spin-flip" and ultra-low temperature atomic physics
M. Inguscio
Homage to Ettore Majorana
R.W. Jackiw
The Majorana neutrino, 70 years after
file missing
L. Maiani
E. Majorana's article on "The value of statistical laws in physics and statistical sciences"
R. Mantegna
High energy neutrino astronomy
E. Migneco
Neutrinos by INFN
file missing
R. Petronzio
E. Majorana in Naples
B. Preziosi
Ettore Majorana’s legacy to contemporary physics
R. Pucci
E. Majorana: his human and scientific personality
E. Recami
E. Majorana: Genius and Mystery
A. Zichichi