The Workshop "Control Systems: Theory, Numerics and Applications" is the concluding meeting of the 2004 INDAM Intergroup Project "Controllo e Numerica".
The project involved various Institutes from differents Universities, among which: C.N.R., University of Firenze, Genova, Politecnico of Milano and of Torino, University of Padova, University of Roma 'La Sapienza' and 'TorVergata', University of Siena and SISSA of Trieste.
The guideline of the Project was the collaboration of researchers from different areas on problems in control theory. In particular three main themes were individuated:
For each of these topics, theoretical, modelling and numerical aspects were considered.
The Workshop was organized with five main speakers (mainly from outside project) and many shorter contributions (mainly from the project participants).
Editorial Board
Boscain Ugo, Cannarsa Piermarco, Capuzzo Dolcetta Italo, Falcone Maurizio, Piccoli Benedetto (chairman)
Sessions |
Main Speakers |
Speakers |
Main Speakers |
American Options. Pricing and volatily calibration.
Energy decay rates and convexity for hyperbolic equations with nonlinear dissipation
Local Boundary Feedback Stabilization of the Navier-Stokes Equations
Large time convergence in Hamilton-Jacobi equations
Speakers |
Exponential stability of one-dimensional hyperbolic systems
Some ergodic problems for differential games
Null-controllability of some reaction-diffusion systems with one control force
Controllability of the Schrödinger Equation via Intersection of Eigenvalues
Numerical Solution of the Perspective Shape-from-Shading Problem
Numerical simulation of growing sandpiles
Obstructions for steady-state controllability
Verification Theorems for HJB equations
Discontinuous feedback laws for infinite dimensional systems
Second order controllability conditions for the controllability of control systems with drift
Control problems for Euler-Bernoulli thermoelastic plates without memory and thermoelastic systems with memory
Optimal control methods for immunotheraphy
Controllability of the Gurtin-Pipkin equation
Numerical approximation of the effective Hamiltonian and of the Aubry set for first order Hamilton-Jacobi equations
On second order sufficient optimality conditions for a bang-singular arc
Optimal control of peritoneal dialysis