5-9 October 2004
Novigrad, Croatia
published October 09, 2004
The existence of Dark Matter (DM) has been known since the 30's of the last century. The first cognitions from motions of galaxies in clusters and by the kinematics of individual galaxies were followed by systematic investigations, primarily via galaxy rotation curves. Since the mid 90's, observations can be confronted with models defined in specific galaxy formation scenarios, in particular with the output of numerical simulations performed in the framework of (Lambda) Cold Dark Matter (CDM). The great success of these models is that they reproduce the large-scale structure with great success, while they - maybe not surprisingly - seem to fail to be equally successful in describing the evolution of the universe on smaller, i.e. cluster and galaxy scales. These developments were parallelled by breathtaking advancements in cosmology. Since the precision measurement of the spectrum of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) with COBE, subsequent experiments devoted to the CMB anisotropy (Boomerang, WMAP) have led to what is called 'precision cosmology'. This implies that we are in the position of validating (numerical) models to a high degree. At the same time, we are witnessing amazing developments in observational astronomy, which allow to explore the universe back into the epoch of re-ionization, thereby subjecting models to further critical and crucial tests, the last steps expected to be taken in the near future. All of this looking nice at first glance, it does not mean that we may comfortably sit back and consider most of the riddles solved. In fact, it must be a worry to any astrophysicist that both, DM and Dark Energy remain nothing but hypotheses as long as no particle has been detected in lab experiments yet. Are they just 'epicycles' like those resorted to prior to Kepler to explain the motions of planets? Nearly ten years of critical validation of CDM models have, apart from a lot of success, resulted in what has been coined as the "first and second CDM crisis", i.e. the failure of theory to explain the mass spectrum of dark satellites around big galaxies on large scales, and the (partial) absence of cusps in the dense inner part of galaxy halos. This obviously calls for continuing efforts in both, observational and theoretical fields. The conference Baryons in Dark Matter Halos we announce here is jointly organized by the Bochum /Bonn graduate research school "Galaxy Groups as Laboratories of Baryonic and Dark Matter" and SISSA is meant to bring together experts from the whole world working in the fields outlined above, trying to make a critical assessment of what has been achieved and to identify the problems that we are faced with. Invited reviews will be given to summarise the state-of-the-art, in particular to the participating graduate students and to scientists working in these fields. The event will provide the participating students with the opportunity to present their own work and advertise it to other participants. Their activity should also be understood as a stimulus for future collaborations or intensify the existing ones. In this sense, the event is meant to be between a summer school and a workshop. We would like that this meeting, that takes place in the inviting and picturesque location of Cittanova/Novigrad, Istria, will be featured by the same spirit present in many of the previous meetings and workshops of the graduate school. Our first aim for the five-day meeting is that the so-called "paradigm of hierarchical structure formation" be subjected to a lively and critical discussion (with strong involvement of the students!). A second aim is to identify future directions of research leading to further progress in our understanding of structure formation and evolution of galaxies. It is our aim that during the five-day meeting that the so-called paradigm of hierarchical structure formation will be subjected to a lively and critical discussion (with strong involvement of the students!), with the cosmological concordance model in the background. Future directions of research shall be identified that will lead to further progress in understanding structure formation and the evolution of galaxies. We hope that this meeting, taking place in the inviting location of Cittanova/Novigrad at the picturesque Istrian coast of Croatia, will be featured by the same spirit as was present in many of the previous meetings and workshops of the graduate school.

Editorial Board
Dettmar Ralf-Jürgen, Klein Uli, Salucci Paolo (chairman)

conference main image
Invited Talks
Contributed talk
R.J. Dettmar, U. Klein and P. Salucci
Invited Talks
Evolution of galaxies in clusters
B. Poggianti
Interaction of galaxies with the intra-cluster medium and ICM metal enrichment
S. Schindler
A physical model for formation and evolution of QSOs and of their spheroidal hosts
L. Danese, M. Cirasuolo, F. Shankar, G.L. Granato, G. De Zotti and L. Silva
Present and future applications of galaxy clusters in cosmology
P. Schuecker
Diffuse light in clusters of galaxies
M. Arnaboldi
Groups of galaxies
A. Iovino
Galaxy evolution in the virgo cluster
B. Vollmer
The galaxy-dark matter connection
F.C. Van den Bosch and X. Yang
The formation of galactic bulges
R. Peletier, M. Balcells, J. Falcon-Barroso and A. Graham
Chemical evolution of galaxies and galaxy formation mechanisms
F. Matteucci
file missing
A. Burkert
Contributed talk
Kinematics and morphology of warped disk galaxies
G. Jozsa, T. Oosterloo, U. Klein and F. Kenn
Baryons in the Warm-hot Intergalactic Medium
P. Richter, B.D. Savage, T.M. Tripp and K.R. Sembach
First-epoch VVDS results: The evolution of the galactic bias up to redshift z=2
C. Marinoni, O. Le Fevre, B. Meneux, A. Iovino, O. Ilbert, G. Zamorani, A. Pollo, L. Guzzo, A. Mazure and R. Scaramella
Disk galaxy evolution up to redshift z=1
A. Boehm and B.L. Ziegler
Arc Statistics with a sample of the Most X-Ray Luminous Galaxy Clusters
W. Kausch, S. Schindler, T. Erben, A. Schwope and J. Wambsganss
Searching for the missing baryons with the VSA and WMAP
R. Genova-Santos
Some astrophysical implication of gas profiles in a new galaxy clusters model
E. Piedipalumbo, V.F. Cardone and C. Tortora
Extragalactic Background Light: new constraints from the study of the photon-photon absorption on blazar spectra
M. Mapelli, R. Salvaterra and A. Ferrara
Strong and weak lensing united: the cluster mass distribution of the most X-ray luminous cluster RXJ1347-1145
M. Bradac
Cosmic Shear with ACS
T. Schrabback, J.M. Miralles, T. Erben and P. Schneider
Baryonic Dark Matter in the Milky Way
P. Kalberla
Spiral structure and the clumpy HI Sub-Structure of the Halo of the Milky Way
L. Dedes and P. Kalberla
The Phase-space Density Distribution of Dark Matter Halos
L.L.R. Williams, C. Austin, E. Barnes, A. Babul and J. Dalcanton
Inferring the dark matter power spectrum from the Lyman-Alpha forest in high-resulotion QSO absorption spectra
Hydrodynamic Galaxy Cluster Simulations: a challenge for physics, parallel computng and visualisation
W. Kapferer, W. Domainko, M. Mair, S. Schindler, E. Van Kampen, S. Kimeswenger and D. Breitschwerdt
The enviroment of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
D. Rosenbaum and D. Bomans
XMM-Newton survey of IGM: news for the modified entropy scaling
A. Finoguenov, S. Borgani, D.S. Davis, J.S. Mulchaey, J.P.F. Osmond, T.J. Ponman and M. Zimer
Low Mass Dark Matter Halos in Loose Groups of Galaxies
D.J. Pisano, D. Barnes, B.K. Gibson, V. Kilborn, L. Staveley-Smith and K. Freeman
Investigation of the dwarf galaxy population in Hickson Compact Groups
E. Krusch, D. Bomans and R.J. Dettmar
Kinematics in Hickson Compact Group 90
L. Castenada-Colorado and M. Hilker
Baryons in SPH simulation of structure formation and evolution; approaching the end of the dark era
L. Mayer
The properties of ultra-compact dwarf galaxies and their possible origin
M. Hilker and S. Mieske
Properties of moderate luminosity mergers
E. Manthey, S. Huttemeister and L. Haberzettl
Lambda CDM and the dark matter distribution in spirals
G. Gentile, P. Salucci and U. Klein
Low Surface Brighness galaxies: Vc-s0 relation and halo central density radial profile from stellar kinematics measurements
A. Pizzella, E.M. Corsini, E. Dalla-Bonta', L. Coccato, F. Bertola, J. Magorrian and M. Sarzi
Dark matter in the inner parts of barred galaxies
I. Perez Martin
PISCES: Galaxy Properties as Functioons of Enviroment and time
M. Tanaka and T. Kodama
The dark matter content of early-type barred galaxies
E.M. Corsini
Scaling Relations of Spiral Galaxies: Theory vs Observation
A. Dutton, F.C. Van den Bosch, S. Courteau and A. Dekel
New phenomenological constraints for dark matter models in disks
J. D'Auria
High-redshift QSOs in GOODS
F. Fontanot, P. Monaco, S. Cristiani, M. Nonino and E. Vanzella
Kinematics and metallicity relations for dwarf galaxies in the Local Group
G. Battaglia, E. Tolstoy, A. Helmi and M. Irwin
Using globular clusters to test gravity in the weak acceleration regime: NGC 6171
R. Scarpa, G. Marconi and R. Gilmozzi
Spectro-photometric predictions of a model for the joint formation of QSOs and spheroids
F. Annibali, L. Danese, R. Rampazzo, A. Bressan, E. Bertone, M. Chavez and W.W. Zeilinger
Numerical influences on galaxy formation
T. Kaufmann, L. Mayer, B. Moore, J. Stadel and J. Wadsley
Bending Instabilities at the origin of persistant warps : a constraint on the dark matter
Y. Revaz and D. Pfenniger
The Baryonic vs Dark Matter Halo Mass Relationship in Galaxies: the effect of the inefficiency of the Cosmolog. star formation
F. Shankar, P. Salucci and L. Danese
Peanut shaped structures in edge-on galaxies
G. Aronica, M. Bureau, E. Athanassoula and R.J. Dettmar
Supernova-rates for different galaxy types
C. Weidner and P. Kroupa
Kinematics of the Outer Cluster System of NGC 1399
Y. Schuberth, T. Richtler, B. Dirsch, M. Hilker and S. Larsen
Dark-Matter and Baryons in Early-type Lens Galaxies
L. Koopmans
Dark-to-luminous properties of early type galaxies
N. Napolitano
Rotation curves and dark matter in early type disk galaxies
E. Noordermeer, T.M. van der Hulst and R. Swaters
Clues on Structure and Composition of Galactic Disks from Studies of 'Superthin' Spirals
L. Matthews and J.M. Uson
Cosmic star formation history: pure luminosity vs number galaxy evolution
F. Calura, F. Matteucci and N. Menci
Metal enrichment of the Intra-Cluster Medium: Ram-Pressure Stripping and Feedback from Intra-Cluster Supernovae
W. Domainko, W. Kapferer, M. Gitti, S. Schindler, E. Van Kampen, S. Kimeswenger, M. Mair, T. Kronberger, M. Ruffert and O.E. Mangete
Simulating galaxy clusters : the ICM and the galaxy populations
A.D. Romeo, J. Sommer-Larsen and L. Portinari
Dark molecular hydrogen
D. Pfenniger
The relative distribution of dark matter and baryons in galaxy clusters
A. Biviano and P. Salucci
Formation and evolution of massive elliptical galaxies in clusters: a consistent picture from optical and X-ray properties
A. Pipino, F. Matteucci, D. Kawata and B.K. Gibson
Structure of visual and dark matter components of spiral galaxies at z ~ 1
A. Tamm and P. Tenjes
Probing MACHOs in M31
J. De Jong
Galaxy formation in voids
M. Hoeft, G. Yepes, S. Gottlober and V. Springel
The damped Lyman Alpha absorber toward Q0913+072
P. Erni, P. Richter and C. Ledoux
The galaxy-dark matter bias
P. Simon, P. Schneider, T. Erben, M. Schirmer, C. Wolf and K. Meisenheimer
New Gamma-Ray Probe of the Baryonic Dark Matter
A. Iyudin, V. Burwitz, J. Greiner, G. DiCocco and S. Larsson
Strong Lensing
L.L.R. Williams and P. Saha
How star clusters could survive low star formation efficiencies
M. Fellhauer and P. Kroupa
Beyond the sphericitiy assumption in dynamical HI models
P. Buyle, H. Dejonghe and G. Gentile
The dark halo in the spiral galaxy NGC 755
F. Kenn, G. Jozsa, G. Gentile and U. Klein
Fuelling Star-Formation - The Fate of Halo Baryons ?
I. Damjanov and M.M. Cirkovic
Searching for clusters using weak lensing
M. Hetterscheidt, T. Erben and P. Schneider
High resolution stellar kinematics for NGC4650A: solving the enigma of the flattening of its dark halo
E. Iodice and M. Arnaboldi
Dark Matter in Numerical Simulations of Galaxy Clusters
T. Kronberger, S. Schindler, E. Van Kampen, S. Kimeswenger, W. Domainko, W. Kapferer and M. Mair
Measuring bulge and disk surface brightness in disk galaxies
J. Mendez Abreu, E.M. Corsini and J.A.L. Aguerri
The Tully Fisher relation of spiral galaxies
I. Yegorova and P. Salucci
Mass modelling from rotation curves
C. Tonini and P. Salucci
A wide-field spectroscopic survey of Abell 1689 and Abell 1835 with VIMOS
O. Czoske
The warped Spindle NGC 2685
G. Jozsa, T. Oosterloo and U. Klein