PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 478 - 12th Large Hadron Collider Physics Conference (LHCP2024) - Poster Session
Displaced Vertex Track Trigger for the CMS Phase-2 Upgrade
R.E. Mccarthy*  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Full text: Not available
As part of the CMS Phase-2 upgrade, track information from the outer tracker will be available at the Level-1 trigger and with this comes the expanded opportunity to trigger on physics objects such as long-lived particles. Presented here is a feasibility study in calculating displaced vertex information using an extended version of the Level-1 tracking that identifies displaced tracks. Combinations of tracks are used to form vertex candidates and a gradient-boosted decision tree is used to distinguish between misidentified and genuine displaced vertices. A simulated sample of an exotic Higgs boson decay to dark photons is used as the benchmark signal. Using this method, vertices with transverse distances from the beamline ranging from 0.02 to 20.0 cm can be reconstructed. This study is based on simulation only and therefore does not account for hardware limitations.
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