PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 478 - 12th Large Hadron Collider Physics Conference (LHCP2024) - Poster Session
Transverse momentum dependence of balance functions in small collision systems with PYTHIA8 and EPOS4
A. Danu*, C.D. Brandibur, A.F. Dobrin and A. Manea
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Pre-published on: January 02, 2025
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Balance functions are an important observable in understanding particle production and correlations in high-energy collisions of hadrons and nuclei. Measurements of balance functions for inclusive and identified particles are reported for two transverse momentum intervals, $0.2 < 𝑝_{T} < 1.0$ GeV/𝑐 and $1.0 < 𝑝_{T} < 2.0$ GeV/𝑐, in proton–proton (pp) collisions at √𝑠 = 13.6 TeV simulated with the PYTHIA8 and EPOS4 event generators. The results exhibit amplitudes and shapes that depend on the particle considered and $𝑝_{T}$ range, highlighting the influence of particle production mechanisms. Additionally, the balance functions show different responses in PYTHIA8 and EPOS4 owing largely to the different charge production mechanisms
implemented into the two generators. These results compared with experimental data will allow us to separate between the various particle production mechanisms considered in PYTHIA8 and EPOS4, thus enhancing the understanding of particle dynamics in small collision systems.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.478.0229
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