Precise measurements of electroweak parameters, such as the W-boson mass and the weak mixing angle, offer an important handle for testing the Standard Model at hadronic colliders. The Drell-Yan processes, characterised by a clean experimental signature and large cross sections, are ideal for such measurements via the template-fit approach. To this aim, precise theoretical predictions obtained from Monte Carlo event generators are required.
The Z_ew-BMNNPV code is designed for simulating the neutral-current Drell-Yan in the POWHEG-BOX framework, with NLO QCD $+$ NLO EW accuracy and exact matching to QCD and QED parton showers.
Here we comment on recent updates to the code, particularly focusing on the possibility of selecting different electroweak input-parameter and renormalization schemes. For example, choosing the weak mixing angle, in its effective or $\overline{\rm MS}$ definition, as an input, is critical for the high-precision determination of this parameter at hadronic colliders.
We present a comparison among the predictions in different schemes and quantify the associated theoretical uncertainties.