PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 478 - 12th Large Hadron Collider Physics Conference (LHCP2024) - BSM-1 TeV Scale
Searches for vector-like quarks in CMS
C. Oropeza Barrera*  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
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Pre-published on: December 20, 2024
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Searches for T and B vector-like quarks in the single and pair production modes, respectively, using the full Run 2 proton-proton collision data at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV collected by the CMS experiment are presented. Limits on the production of these new particles are set in wide regions of the parameter space. Furthermore, the combinations of several individual analyses for electroweak production of T and pair production of B are shown, highlighting the impact on the sensitivity of the searches for different model assumptions.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.478.0011
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