PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 466 - The 41st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE2024) - Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence
Studies of Gauge-fixed Fourier acceleration for SU(3) gauge theory
N.H. Christ*, Y. Huo and R. Urek
Full text: Not available
We report results from the application of Fourier acceleration to $SU(3)$ lattice
gauge theory using softly-fixed Landau gauge. Acceleration of the HMC algorithm
is studied on a $16^4$ lattice volume with the Wilson gauge action and different
values of $\beta$. Two types of boundary conditions with fixed boundary links are
explored. The boundary links are fixed either to unit matrices or to the matrices
present on the boundaries of an initial gauge configuration equilibrated with periodic
boundary conditions, anticipating a possible application in which a large lattice is
continually divided into subvolumes that are evolved independently
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