PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 444 - 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2023) - Outreach & Education (O&E)
Research on the development of stereoscopic contents for experiencing cosmic ray air showers and information provision methods.
T. Tomida*, Y. Abe, M. Kayama, H. Ohkura, H. Kajita, D. Ikeda, H. Menjo, Y. Kanai and K. Takahashi
Full text: pdf
Pre-published on: August 18, 2023
Published on: September 27, 2024
Air showers caused by high-energy cosmic rays are very large-scale natural phenomena
in which a single particle interacts with an atmospheric nucleus and grows into hundreds of billions of particles on the ground.
The air showers appear to reach the ground from an altitude of about 10 km, and their footprint on the ground is several kilometers in diameter.
Despite this dynamic and interesting phenomenon, it is not well known to the general public. Most cosmic ray exhibits
in science museums are based on real-time detection of natural radiation on the ground, and there are very few ways
to convey the fascination of cosmic ray air showers.
Therefore, we developed interactive content that shows cosmic ray air showers in a three-dimensional global panoramic image space.
This content will be used in science museum exhibitions and educational events to promote awareness of cosmic rays.
If the person experiencing the developed tool is interested in cosmic rays,
explanatory video content will also be created to provide more detailed information about cosmic rays.
The video content was published on YouTube by influencers. In this report,
we will introduce the content of the air shower experience and discuss new
information dissemination methods using the number of hits from the experience content to the explanatory video as a reference.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.444.1605
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