@inproceedings{Newton-Bosch:2023i+, author = "Newton-Bosch, Jania and González, Luis Xavier and Valdés-Galicia, José Francisco and Morales-Olivares, Oscar Gustavo and Muraki, Yasushi and Shibata, Shoichi and Matsubara, Yutaka and Sako, Takashi and Watanabe, Kyoko and Monterde Andrade, Fernando and Perea-Contreras, Sebastian and Ortiz, Ernesto and Musalem, Octavio and Hurtado, Alejandro and Taylor, Roberto", title = "{Geomagnetic Storm Effects on the Solar Neutron Telescope at Sierra Negra, Mexico}", doi = "10.22323/1.444.1272", booktitle = "Proceedings of 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference {\textemdash} PoS(ICRC2023)", year = 2023, volume = "444", pages = "1272" }