PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 444 - 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2023) - Solar & Heliospheric Physics (SH)
Effect of solar poloidal magnetic field reversal on tridiurnal anisotropy of cosmic ray intensity on quiet days at different latitude neutron monitoring stations
M.K. Richharia* and M.L. Chauhan
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Pre-published on: August 03, 2023
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The Cosmic Ray Intensity Data recorded with the Worldwide Network of Neutron Monitoring Stations located at different latitude on sixty geo magnetically quiet days in year for studying the effect of solar poloidal magnetic field reversal in tridiurnal anisotropy of cosmic ray intensity. It has been observed that in spite of abrupt variation in the amplitude and phase of tridiurnal of cosmic ray intensity. The phase shift of tridiurnal anisotropy on quiet days during the positive/negative polarity of solar magnetic field towards early/later house has been attributed to the drift effect. It is clearly establish that exist eleven years variation tridiurnal anisotropy of cosmic ray intensity on quiet days due to the variation of solar activity.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.444.1247
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