The CYGNO project aims to develop a high-precision optical Time Projection Chamber (TPC) for directional Dark Matter search and solar neutrino spettroscopy, to be hosted at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS).
The distinctive feature of CYGNO include the exploitation of scientific CMOS cameras and photomultiplier tubes coupled to a Gas Electron Multiplier for amplification within helium-fluorine-based gas mixture at atmospheric pressure. The primary objective of this project is to achieve three-dimentional tracking with head-tail capability and to enhance background rejection down to the keV energy range. This enhancement will significantly improve sensitivity to low Weakly Interacting Massive Particle masses for both Spin-Independent and Spin-Dependent coupling.
We provide insights into the commissioning and underground operation of our 50-liter prototype, known as LIME, which represents the largest prototype developed by our collaboration to date. We showcase its capability to measure and identify low-energy nuclear and electron recoils. Additionally, we outline the design and prospects for the development of a funded $\mathcal{O}(1\,\rm{m}^3)$ demonstrator, set to be housed in Hall F of LNGS.
Furthermore, we present the physics potential that a future $\mathcal{O}(30\, \rm{m}^3)$ experiment could bring to the field. Lastly, we discuss the results from our collaboration's research and development efforts aimed at maximizing the potential of CYGNO. This includes the recent achievement of negative ion drift operation at atmospheric pressure with optical readout, which was accomplished in synergy with the ERC Consolidator Grant project INITIUM.