Rogowski Beam Position Monitor
R. Suvarna*, A. Nass, F. Rathmann, H. Soltner and J. Pretz
Pre-published on:
April 11, 2023
Published on:
August 04, 2023
The Jülich Electrical Dipole Moment Investigations (JEDI) Collaboration performed the first direct measurement of a charged hadron Electric Dipole Moment (EDM). These investigations were carried out using polarized deuteron beams at the COoler SYnchrotron (COSY) located at the Forschungszentrum Jülich in Germany. The search for an EDM demands high precision measurements, separating the true EDM signal from the background. As a next step, a prototype electrostatic EDM ring will be designed to increase the sensitivity of the measurement. Here the necessity of a near ideal beam closed orbit requires a system of many compact and highly sensitive Beam Position Monitors (BPM). A new type of BPM has been developed based on a segmented toroidal Rogowski coil. These Rogowski BPMs are highly compact requiring only about 10 centimeters of free space for installation while providing a resolution of a few micrometers. The Rogowski BPMs compete with other BPM types in order to provide the best resolution and Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), while using as little space as possible.
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