Inclusive semi-leptonic $B_{(s)}$ mesons decay at the physical $b$ quark mass
A. Barone*, A. Jüttner, S. Hashimoto, T. Kaneko and R. Kellermann
Pre-published on:
December 22, 2022
Published on:
April 06, 2023
We address the non-perturbative calculation of the decay rate of inclusive semi-leptonic $B_{(s)}$ mesons decays from lattice QCD. Precise theoretical Standard Model predictions are key ingredients in searches for new physics. This type of computation may eventually provide new insight into the long-standing tension between the inclusive and exclusive determinations of the CKM matrix elements $|V_{cb}|$ and $|V_{ub}|$. We perform a pilot lattice computation for $B_s \rightarrow X_c \, l \nu_l$ and improve on existing techniques. The valence-quark masses in our simulations are approximately physical for the domain-wall strange and charm quarks as well as for the bottom quark, for which we use a relativistic heavy quark effective action. We report on our progress and discuss future plans towards a first study with fully controlled systematic effects.
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