PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 428 - 15th European VLBI Network Mini-Symposium and Users' Meeting (EVN2022) - Techniques
Developments in Spacecraft Doppler tracking software (SDtracker)
G. Molera Calvés* and M. Buttfield-Addison
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Pre-published on: March 22, 2023
Published on: August 22, 2023
Arising from software developed for the 2005 Huygens probe landing, the first official version of SDtracker was used for the 2008 initial detection test of the ESA's Venus Express (VEX) space mission. In the 13 years since, SDtracker has been regularly updated to accommodate different radio telescope configurations, newer VLBI data formats, different hardware architectures, and more. Recently, a major upgrade was released to address a number of performance and usability issues. This newer version has a simplified installation process, removed or updated dependencies, and does the same job in significantly fewer lines of code. Herein, the features and scientific achievements of the improved software are discussed.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.428.0055
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