Analysis of Pulsation Spectra of Chromospheric Radiation from a Solar Flare SOL2015-10-01
Y.A. Kupryakov*, A.B. Gorshkov, L.K. Kashapova and M. Bárta
Pre-published on:
September 29, 2022
Published on:
December 14, 2022
The present study is devoted to the quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs) in the chromospheric emission of solar flares that are often observed during these phenomena. We analysed the chromospheric emission of an M4.5-class flare (SOL2015-10-01) obtained with the Horizontal-Sonnen-Forschungs-Anlage spectrograph (HSFA-2) at the Ondřejov Observatory of the Czech Academy of Sciences. We also used X-ray time profiles obtained with the Ramati High Energy Solar Spectroscope Imager (RHESSI) and observations in the microwave range obtained with the radio telescope RT3 at 3.0 GHz (Ondřejov Observatory) to test the reliability of the detected chromospheric QPP periods. The processing and analysis of the spectra in the CaII H, Hβ, Hα, and CaII IR 8542 Å lines and the time profiles of the X-ray and microwave emission revealed the presence of oscillation periods in the range of 1–2 minutes.
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