Two new LBV candidates in the galaxy IC342
O. Sholukhova*, A.N. Sarkisyan, Y. Solovyeva and A. Vinokurov
Pre-published on:
September 17, 2022
Published on:
December 14, 2022
Two LBV candidates have been found in the galaxy IC342. Within the framework of the program for search of LBV stars in galaxies outside the Local Group, spectral and photometric observations were carried out with the 6-m telescope of SAO RAS. These objects revealed observational features characteristic of such stars. Their spectra show typical LBV emission lines: broad and strong hydrogen lines, HeI and FeII, and [FeII] lines. We have obtained estimates of the interstellar reddening and the photosphere temperatures. For one star, it was possible to build a spectral energy distribution (SED) and determine the temperature more accurately. We estimated the absolute magnitudes as $M_v \approx$ -9.3$^m$ and -10.8$^m$, which allows us to classify them as LBV candidates.
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