CII Emission from High-Redshift Quasars As a Signature of Obscured AGNs
E.O. Vasiliev*, Y. Shchekinov and B.B. Nath
Pre-published on:
September 16, 2022
Published on:
December 14, 2022
We study the relation between the luminosities in the CII line at $158\mu$m and in the far infrared (FIR) continuum from quasars observed by {\it ALMA} at $z\ge6$ and show that the observed relation is better reproduced with a predominance of radiation from an obscured supermassive black hole than with star formation alone. We found that the locus of points in the ``CII/FIR--FIR'' plane corresponding to the observed set of quasars could be reproduced in our models with the following types of the central ionizing source: (i) a mildly or slightly obscured SMBH with $M_\bullet \simgt 10^8\msun$ and a stellar population with bolometric luminosity $L_\ast < 3L_\bullet$; (ii) a highly obscured SMBH with $M_\bullet \sim 10^6 - 10^8\msun$ and a massive stellar population with bolometric luminosity $L_\ast \sim 300L_\bullet$.
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