PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 421 - Neutrino Oscillation Workshop (NOW2022) - Session V. Particle Physics in the Cosmos
Summary of Session V: Particle Physics in the Cosmos
M. Chianese* and M. Gerbino
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Pre-published on: December 28, 2022
Published on: March 28, 2023
The investigation of fundamental physics via observations of particles of astrophysical and cosmological origin is an active research area that is independent from and complementary to terrestrial searches. Here we summarize the ``Particle physics in the cosmos'' session of the NOW 2022 edition. The focus of this session has been on recent advances, from both theoretical and experimental perspectives, in our understanding of neutrino and dark matter properties.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.421.0101
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