@inproceedings{Proto:2022lT, author = "Proto, Giorgia and Abbrescia, M. and Aielli, G. and Alberghi, G. and Aly, R. and Arena, M.C. and Barroso Ferreira Filho, Mapse and Benussi, L. and Bianchi, A. and Bianco, S. and Boscherini, D. and Bruni, A. and Camarri, P. and Cardarelli, R. and Congedo, L. and Di Ciaccio, A. and Di Stante, L. and De Seriođť‘”, M. and Dupieux, P. and Eysermans, J. and Ferretti, A. and Galati, G. and Gagliardi, M. and Guida, R. and Joly, B. and Liberti, B. and Mandelli, B. and Massa, L. and Manen, S.P. and Pastore, A. and Pastori, E. and Piccolo, D. and Pizzimento, L. and Polini, A. and Pugliese, G. and Quaglia, L. and Ramos, D. and Rigoletti, G. and Rocchi, A. and Romano, M. and Samalan, A. and Salvini, P. and Santonico, R. and Saviano, G. and Simone, S. and Terlizzi, L. and Tytgat, M. and Vercellin, E. and Verzeroli, M. and Zaganidis, N.", title = "{Eco-friendly gas mixtures for future RPC detectors}", doi = "10.22323/1.414.1195", booktitle = "Proceedings of 41st International Conference on High Energy physics {\textemdash} PoS(ICHEP2022)", year = 2022, volume = "414", pages = "1195" }