On the $ZH$ amplitudes at two loop in QCD
Pre-published on:
March 08, 2022
Published on:
May 12, 2022
Through this article, we show that the amplitudes for the $b\bar{b} \rightarrow ZH$ in the presence of bottom-Higgs Yukawa coupling can be constructed, up to a few anomalous diagrams, solely from a set of vector form factors of properly grouped classes of diagrams. Thereby, we can completely bypass the subtle issues involving the chiral quantity $\gamma_5$. In the second part, we demonstrate that while computing the $q\bar{q} \rightarrow ZH$ amplitudes in Higgs effective field theory employing a non-anticommuting $\gamma_5$ in dimensional regularization, we need to introduce a four-point effective composite operator to the renormalized Lagrangian in order to retain the physical properties of the amplitude.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.398.0414
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