PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 395 - 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2021) - GAI - Gamma Ray Indirect
Standardized formats for gamma-ray analysis applied to HAWC observatory data
Presented by L. Olivera-Nieto*, V. Joshi, H. Schoorlemmer and A. Donath  on behalf of A.U. Abeysekara, A. Albert, R.J. Alfaro, C. Alvarez, J.d.D. Álvarez Romero, J.R. Angeles Camacho, J.C. Arteaga Velazquez, A.B. Kollamparambil, D.O. Avila Rojas, H.A. Ayala Solares, R. Babu, V. Baghmanyan, A.S. Barber, J. Becerra Gonzalez, E. Belmont-Moreno, S. BenZvi, D. Berley, C. Brisbois, K.S. Caballero Mora, T. Capistrán, A. Carramiñana, S. Casanova, O. Chaparro-Amaro, U. Cotti, J. Cotzomi, S. Coutiño de León, E. de la Fuente, C.L. de León, L. Diaz, R. Diaz Hernandez, J.C. Díaz Vélez, B. Dingus, M. Durocher, M. DuVernois, R. Ellsworth, K. Engel, M.C. Espinoza Hernández, J. Fan, K. Fang, M. Fernandez Alonso, B. Fick, H. Fleischhack, J.L. Flores, N.I. Fraija, D. Garcia Aguilar, J.A. Garcia-Gonzalez, J.L. García-Luna, G. García-Torales, F. Garfias, G. Giacinti, H. Goksu, M.M. González, J.A. Goodman, J.P. Harding, S. Hernández Cadena, I. Herzog, J. Hinton, B. Hona, D. Huang, F. Hueyotl-Zahuantitla, M. Hui, B. Humensky, P. Hüntemeyer, A. Iriarte, A. Jardin-Blicq, H. Jhee, D. Kieda, G.J. Kunde, S. Kunwar, A. Lara, J. Lee, W.H. Lee, D. Lennarz, H. Leon Vargas, J. Linnemann, A.L. Longinotti, R. Lopez-Coto, G. Luis-Raya, J. Lundeen, K. Malone, V. Marandon, O.M. Martinez, I. Martinez Castellanos, H. Martínez Huerta, J. Martínez-Castro, J. Matthews, J. McEnery, P. Miranda-Romagnoli, J.A. Morales Soto, E. Moreno Barbosa, M. Mostafa, A. Nayerhoda, L. Nellen, M. Newbold, M.U. Nisa, R. Noriega-Papaqui, N. Omodei, A. Peisker, Y. Pérez Araujo, E.G. Pérez Pérez, C.D. Rho, C. Rivière, D. Rosa-Gonzalez, E. Ruiz-Velasco, J. Ryan, H.I. Salazar, F. Salesa Greus, A. Sandoval, M. Schneider, J. Serna-Franco, G. Sinnis, A.J. Smith, W.R. Springer, P. Surajbali, I. Taboada, M. Tanner, K. Tollefson, I. Torres, R. Torres Escobedo, R.M. Turner, F.J. Urena Mena, L. Villaseñor, X. Wang, I.J. Watson, T. Weisgarber, F. Werner, E.J. Willox, J. Wood, G. Yodh, A. Zepeda and H. Zhouet al. (click to show)
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Pre-published on: August 04, 2021
Published on: March 18, 2022
A wide range of data formats and proprietary software have traditionally been used in $\gamma$-ray astronomy, usually developed for a single specific mission or experiment. However, in recent years there has been an increasing effort towards making astronomical data open and easily accessible. Within the $\gamma$-ray community this has translated to the creation of a common data format across different $\gamma$-ray observatories: the "gamma-astro-data-format" (GADF). Based on a similar premise, open-source analysis packages, such as Gammapy, are being developed and aim to provide a single, robust tool which suits the needs of many experiments at once. In this contribution we show that data from the High-Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) observatory can be made compatible with the GADF and present the first GADF-based production of event lists and instrument response functions for a ground-based wide-field instrument. We use these data products to reproduce with excellent agreement the published HAWC Crab spectrum using Gammapy. Having a common data format and analysis tools facilitates joint analysis between different experiments and effective data sharing. This will be especially important for next-generation instruments, such as the proposed Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory (SWGO) and the planned Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA).
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.395.0727
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