Local quartic interaction of scalars with higher spin gauge fields and commutator of linear gauge transformations
R. Manvelyan* and M. Karapetyan
Published on:
April 23, 2021
Some special case of local quartic interaction of higher spin gauge field with a scalar field is considered. The nontrivial task of construction of interacting Lagrangian for the constrained higher spin field (physical gauge) was solved using the full power of Noether’s procedure. As a byproduct linear on-field gauge transformation is obtained and the corresponding closure of commutator of transformation is analyzed. The right-hand side of this commutator is classified in respect to gauge transformations coming from cubic interactions of a scalar with different higher spin symmetric tensor fields and with mixed symmetry tensor field transformations.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.394.0012
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