@inproceedings{Manzanillas:2021cM, author = "Manzanillas, Luis and Abt, Iris and Efremenko, Yuri and Febbraro, M. and Fischer, F. and Guitart, M. and Gusev, Konstantin and Hackett, B. and Hayward, C. and Hodák, Rastislav and Krause, P. and Majorovits, B. and Muenstermann, Daniel and Pjatkan, R. and Pohl, M. and Rouhana, R. and Radford, D.C. and Rukhadze, E. and Rumyantseva, N. and Schilling, I. and Schoenert, S. and Schultz, O. and Schwartz, M. and Stommel, M. and Weingarten, J.", title = "{Usage of PEN as self-vetoing structural material in low background experiments}", doi = "10.22323/1.390.0163", booktitle = "Proceedings of 40th International Conference on High Energy physics {\textemdash} PoS(ICHEP2020)", year = 2021, volume = "390", pages = "163" }