The Engineering, Production and Quality Assurance of the Inner Barrel Staves for the Upgrade of the ALICE Inner Tracking System
A. Junique* on behalf of the ALICE collaboration
Pre-published on:
March 06, 2020
Published on:
April 21, 2020
A major upgrade of the ALICE Detector is underway during LHC Long Shutdown 2 (2019-2020). This includes a new Inner Tracking System (ITS) consisting of seven cylindrical layers of CMOS Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors. The building blocks of each layer are azimuthal elements called Staves. The Inner Layer Staves are made of a carbon fiber support structure (spaceframe), a carbon fiber cold plate and a Hybrid Integrated Circuit (HIC) consisting of Pixel Chips and passive components bonded onto an aluminium polyimide Flexible Printed Circuit (FPC). This contribution describes the Inner Layers Staves, the manufacturing processes, the quality assurance methodologies and some lessons learned.
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