The powering concept of the Silicon Tracking System for CBM@FAIR
P. Koczon*, C. J. Schmidt, U. Frankenfeld, R. Kapell, J. Lehnert, A. Lymanets, O. Maragoto Rodriguez, A. R. Rodriguez and K. Kasinski
Pre-published on:
March 06, 2020
Published on:
April 21, 2020
A prototype powering chain of the Silicon Tracking System (STS) for the future CBM experiment at FAIR/Germany has been built. Low noise powering allows precise measurement of minimum ionising particles and its efficiency is an important task with the goal to minimise power dissipation and heat development. Also, the limited space for power cable routing has to be taken into account. Chosen solutions determine the necessary cooling and cabling effort and therefore have a high impact on system integration. Some aspects are already completely solved, while other issues have to be further investigated. The current status concerning powering the STS electronics and the consequences for system integration will be shown.
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