Technological solutions for contributory citizen science: experiences from citizenMorph
S. Hennig*, L. Abad and D. Hölbling
Published on:
March 27, 2020
Many citizen science projects invite people to contribute data. To fully exploit the existing potential, above all, the technological solutions must be in line with requirements coming from the citizens. This is particularly true for citizen science projects with a focus on fields such as geomorphology and landscape dynamics, which have so far received less attention and interest from the public. These fields often have difficulty to convince and engage citizens to contribute extensive, high-quality data to the topic under investigation. The question now is how to learn about citizens’ requirements? What are these requirements? What do these solutions look like when implemented? This is discussed based on experiences from the citizenMorph project, which aims at developing technological solutions allowing citizens to contribute information on geomorphological phenomena (landforms). The results show that technological solutions encompass specific components, features, and approaches.
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