Nucleon charges and form factors using clover and HISQ ensembles
S. Park*, T. Bhattacharya, R. Gupta, Y.C. Jang, B. Joo, H.W. Lin and B. Yoon
Pre-published on:
February 06, 2020
Published on:
August 27, 2020
We present high statistics ($\mathcal{O}(2\times 10^5)$ measurements) preliminary results on (i) the isovector charges, $g^{u-d}_{A,S,T}$, and form factors, $G^{u-d}_E(Q^2)$, $G^{u-d}_M(Q^2)$, $G^{u-d}_A(Q^2)$, $\widetilde G^{u-d}_P(Q^2)$, $G^{u-d}_P(Q^2)$, on six 2+1-flavor Wilson-clover ensembles generated by the JLab/W&M/LANL/MIT collaboration with lattice parameters given in Table 1. Examples of the impact of using different estimates of the excited state spectra are given for the clover-on-clover data, and as discussed in [1], the biggest difference on including the lower energy (close to $N\pi$ and $N\pi\pi$) states is in the axial channel. (ii) Flavor diagonal axial, tensor and scalar charges, $g^{u,d,s}_{A,S,T}$, are calculated with the clover-on-HISQ formulation using nine 2+1+1-flavor HISQ ensembles generated by the MILC collaboration [2] with lattice parameters given in Table 2. Once finished, the calculations of $g^{u,d,s}_{A,T}$ will update the results given in Refs. [3,4]. The estimates for $g^{u,d,s}_{S}$ and $\sigma_{N\pi}$ are new. Overall, a large part of the focus is on understanding the excited state contamination (ESC), and the results discussed provide a partial status report on developing defensible analyses strategies that include contributions of possible low-lying excited states to individual nucleon matrix elements.
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