Massive Primordial Black Holes
Pre-published on:
November 23, 2020
Published on:
December 03, 2020
A review of the astronomical data of several last years on an astonishingly high amount of blackholes in the contemporary and early (z∼10) universe is presented. Also the data on the recentlyobserved peculiar stars in the Galaxy are discussed. It is argued that practically all black holes inthe universe are primordial (PBH) and suggested that an inverted picture of the galaxy formationis realized: supermassive black holes were formed prior to galaxy formation and subsequentlyseeded the latter. Possibilities of cosmological dark matter consisting of primordial black holesand of abundant cosmological antimatter are considered.A mechanism of 1993 anticipating all these phenomena and predicting an extended log-normalmass spectrum of PBH is described.
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