@inproceedings{diMatteo:20197z, author = "di Matteo, Armando and Bister, Teresa and Biteau, Jonathan and Caccianiga, Lorenzo and Deligny, Olivier and Fujii, Toshihiro and Harari, Diego and Ivanov, Dmitri and Kawata, Kazumasa and Lundquist, Jon Paul and Menezes de Almeida, Rogerio and Mockler, Daniela and Nonaka, Toshiyuki and Sagawa, Hiroyuki and Tinyakov, Peter and Tkachev, Igor and Troitsky, Sergey", title = "{Full-sky searches for anisotropies in UHECR arrival directions with the Pierre Auger Observatory and the Telescope Array}", doi = "10.22323/1.358.0439", booktitle = "Proceedings of 36th International Cosmic Ray Conference {\textemdash} PoS(ICRC2019)", year = 2019, volume = "358", pages = "439" }